1. How girl is seriously out of touch and I don’t feel sorry for her. She needs a reality check for sure! She does, however, bring up an excellent point about teaching children at an early age the realities of budgets, accounting, bill paying, PAYING TAXES. These skills are imperative and need to be taught. Gens Y and Z are getting themselves into serious debt at an early age and it’s not because of Higher Ed.

  2. You know I was trying to understand her perspective and thinking "ah yeah I struggle with adult stuff too". Then I remembered I'm in a 1 bedroom social housing flat that has fleas from the previous owner, kinda wishing I had her life now lmao

  3. I’m extremely blessed to be a content creator earning a lot on O Fanz. I purchased a house last year and went way under “what I could have bought” because I never wanted to be house poor. I can’t believe people complain about this when they put themselves in that situation. I also have an accountant but not paying your own bills?! Wtf that is just wow.

  4. nearly dm'd u this video when i first watched it cus of how out of touch she seemed but all the comments i saw at the time seemed super supportive so i didn't lmao, glad to see she's being called out now

  5. just because her problems are different doesn’t mean she doesn’t have problems, these drama videos stretch the hell out of everything to make a decently interesting story. shame.

  6. i understand shes house poor in relation to influencer culture, but she’s complaining to everyday people who are just regular poor. babe we wont relate, nor will we ever. just downsize and live comfortably.

  7. i don't know this girl and i am an older demographic, but i don't see much wrong with the little i saw. i mean she didn't seem like she was being insensitive. that is her world. ya'll created her. WE created her. don't bitch about her. that's my take.

  8. People would kill to have what she has. Yet she's complaining now that she's adulting and has to actually pay bills instead of blow money on stupid shit. 😂

  9. Didn’t Niki build her house from the ground up? Like that’s expensive and I think she maybe comparing her life and financial situation to her sister! Since Gabi owns a house, talked about getting an apartment in LA, still traveling and buy luxury high end items and open about her expensive surgeries. Like if Gabi can do it haha I’m sure Niki can too!

  10. as someone who has looked up to niki as far as mental health struggles, feeling like the odd one out, struggling to figure out life being someone in my early 20's, that video def came off as tone deaf. nothing really relatable in there at all…… and it really sucks…

  11. throw back to when i messaged her on instagram YEARS AGO telling her how out of touch she became on her “reality show” AND NIKI ANSWERED AND ENDED MY LIFE LOL but im not surprised more people have finally noticed

  12. 😂 Thanks for the laugh spilly, l am happy to be at least having the minum relief. Being that type of house poor lol I would just gotten a smaller place be extremely good lol. Fuck her.

    There is nothing wrong with repeating clothing 😂 a lot of us do this

  13. As someone who's always barely had anything left after paying all the bills, its so bizarre to watch her complain about being 'house poor' or whatever for the first time, cause imagine how tired we are of it

  14. While I understand how her struggles aren’t relatable. Don’t you guys think a big chunk of this falls back on the parents. She was young coming into adulthood. Where were her parents when they needed to be teaching her these things?

  15. I think she has a different definition of broke 😭 she bought uggs on resale cause they weren’t coming back in stock and she keeps posting videos where she’s buying loads of decor for each room in her house, her shopping sprees she cant go on is probably luxury ones, she’s not exactly struggling

  16. Ugh I’m over her I haven’t been on a “shopping spree” since Covid and that was like 250$ like wtf go to the goodwill girl that’s what I do when I want new clothes

  17. I mean dude she should have just went to go talk to her rich friends about this problem not The general population who's just barely scraping by

  18. But why can't she speak about her reality? This is her problem and her channel, why does she even have to be relatable?

  19. I am a newly divorced momma of 3 and I work 70-84 hrs a week on top of every other thing you need to do daily in your life and then toss in 3 kids. I have 2 full-time jobs and just barely surviving. Lots of love from Michigan ❤️

  20. It's really frustrating that social media personalities are not allowed to express themselves freely without being attacked. It is not their responsibility to post content that you relate to, or post content that does not offend you. I thought you were going to say Niki dropped the N word or some word like that. This is overreaching. If you don't like somebody, block them, and stop gossiping about them as if you have no life of your own to talk about. Please.

  21. She bought the house because she thought she was gonna have help paying for it with her boyfriend but they broke and she still bought it anyways idk why that was dumb and she said she might rent it out or sell. the comment she left was like i see your comments or something going to take into consideration idk something like that

  22. i feel like ppl look for relatability in people they shouldn’t. you’re not gonna get that from girls that have been posting the way they have for YEARS. however what she’s saying isn’t wrong. it makes sense that she as a kid hiring a manager never really worried about it or had to understand it. and she learned the “hard” way by living above her means and regretting it. i don’t doubt that she has less spending money than she used to because she bought a pricey home. i think the issue comes from people just not wanting to see people with little to complain about complain about shit. which fair enough. but to her these are struggles. they are just not comparable which i don’t think she was saying but the video seemed like more of a self blame of i fucked up by not paying attention not i don’t have shopping spree money 😢😢😢😢

  23. Girl! I just got paid yesterday, and I paid rent, and now I have $45 left to pump gas. I've also never had a shopping spree. Lol.

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