1. Actually these two were the chaotic duo and the funniest one but here they are having serious talk about each other that we can see how close they are<3

  2. Asahi and Jeongwoo interaction. 🤗 Even though they’re on the same circle of friends, they seemed awkward, maybe because they’re close friends and Asahi is somewhat an introvert? I think I’d be the same with my own circle of friends since I’m also an introvert😅

  3. Reading a book with no disturbance?
    Me 🤝 Asahi 😅
    Because I feel like I’ll lose the momentum of the story 😅😁 My younger siblings always complain that I became deaf when reading a book 😁✌️

  4. Love TREASURE OT10 unconditionally….its make me so sad when thier never spoke out and wrap neatly all the difficulties,hurts,tears,sadness and only show smile laugh work hard..look at thier eyes,they still treat wounds in thier hearts…..this 10 boy matured make me cry.. this 10 boy so precious and priceless❤❤…….for TEUME,dont hurt them only for who's leave first ..sorry if my word harsh and our opinion is different..

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