YGの練習生B.Iが『SHOW ME THE MONEY 3』で完璧なステージを披露!!観客、ライバル、審査員も絶賛…ミスを繰り返して挫折していたB.Iが本来の実力を発揮^^


  1. He may have lost in this battle but this song he performed was 1st on the chart when it was released and the 1st smtm song to be on the chart. To think that he is still a trainee back then. He's scary in the music industry. He's a genius. Man every label would want him to be part of their agencies

  2. He ever struggle here and his show in mix and match. How hard his career journey. My boy more and more handsome and strongman

  3. Glad that Tablo mentored hanbin. And til now he was the only one that openly supports hanbin on socmed. Such a dependable sunbae

  4. the lyrics of the song "pokpo that's me" are now on b.i's MV entitled "waterfall"

    I think the lyrics are the same, but I don't know either. sorry if wrong.

  5. I swear iKON has soooo good rappers. I know YG itself has one of the best rappers but since this is about B.I, let's talk about how good is B.I. I wish all the best for his solo career. He's doing great with his waterfall album.

  6. the first smtm song that ever get on chart, b.i is monster in music industry.Too bad, his agency can't protect this genius. now ikon is nowhere to be seen, no more good song coming fromt that boy group after bi left

  7. My fav performance of all time
    Really the audience was also enjoying it so much that they forgot to vote
    If bi and Bobby both compete then announcing 1 winner would be so difficult

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