Taeyang starts eating deliciously!
Taeyang is enjoying the chef’s food
Let’s eat together

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#”PleaseTakeCareofMyRefrigerator #bigbang #taeyang #KCON #KPOP #KV


  1. Damn , Taeyang owned a Very Expensive Wine Opus one😍😍😍Its the most expensive wine in high level 😱😱.y favourite wine too,super rich wine🍷😍

  2. lol..in that aspect Taeyang really was Naive😂😂 GD verbally said out loud he really wanted to try it too but there goes Taeyang eating it all away😂😂 we all have that one friend at one point..no awareness..its really childlike and refreshing to see tho💯🤣

  3. I like how GD wants to reveal a subcontext in the reasons why the fridge is placed like it is. For those of you who don't know. Taeyang was dating min hyorin. She most likely would come over to his house and they would stuff together but GD wasn't allowed to reveal that so he kept quiet. The only reason why there would be some things misplaced or things taeyang didn't know about is if someone else put them there or moved things around. So I'm calling it min hyorin was making him some food.

  4. Isnt that "Es Belewah Serut" we usually buy on the street? We, Indonesian, ususally buy that kinda drink for breaking the fast…consisted of belewah fruit, added with many other fruits, depends on taste…just saying 🤷‍♀️

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