1. I'm really amazed to see this song is already uploaded on Youtube 10 years ago? I was just expecting if only dvd/cd will be available but this exists since 10years ago here?? HOW COME!! Rain is ahead of trend and technology woww!

  2. Adorei conhecer sobre você, não sei nada do idioma, mas me pego cantarolando a melodia de suas músicas. Parabéns pela linda carreira. Deus te abençoe muito.

  3. It's so hard to explain to people whom new to kpop how legendary this song was and how it was played literlly everywere and sang by everyone, Rain is a legend that made a lot of hits during his career , he was ahead of his time .

  4. Thank you Netflix and YouTube for allowing me to discover Rain… what a talent… stirs the soul… love everyone of his songs…. To me he is on the same level as Michael, Elvis and the Beatles…. And needs the same world platform that they got…. Anything less is a catastrophe to the performing arts…. And humanity…Can’t imagine a world without him now … calm to my soul… hope these media world platforms revive Rain to the level and exposure he deserves. He’s still the best singer, dancer, actor, out there… only raw talent and hard work can maintain this presence over 25 years!

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