1. 내가 그들을 다시 들을 때, 나는 이 목소리가 어떻게 태어날 수 있었는지, 그리고 우리가 그것을 받을 자격이 있기 위해 무엇을 했는지 이해하지 못하는 독특한 방식으로 처음 감동을 받았을 때와 같은 감정을 느낍니다. 장엄한🤍

  2. Seungmin has always been my favorite in SKZ but that verse he sang in the beginning I literally almost cried when I heard it

  3. There are a few voices that can make me tear up immediately. Two of them are in this video. There's something about Seungmin's voice that is so comforting

  4. After listening the 1000 time… I just realized the fact that Eukwang and Iu were in a relationship in the past and he sings her love poem Like this. And she even reposted this Video on her Instagram kinda made me happy. Still beeing good with your exes is just a nice thing!

  5. Eunkwang really produced this so well ❤

    Jongho and Seungmin have been waiting for an opportunity like this and hyung DID NOT disappoint

  6. for anyone who really desperately wants this on spotify i actually did figure out a way
    first, i took this exact youtube link and put it into an mp3 converter online (those are easy to find if you just google mp3 converter)
    once i had the mp3 file i dragged it into itunes on my computer
    next, i plugged my phone into my computer and synced so that the mp3 file from itunes would appear in my apple music app on my phone (i have an iphone so i’m not sure exactly how this would work with other phones but i can try to help if someone needs that. i believe you just need to have the mp3 on your phone and in a playable state)
    from this point it was fairly easy
    now that the song was on my phone, i went to my spotify app and clicked the settings button in the top right corner
    scroll down to “local files” and toggle it on
    now a local files playlist will appear under your spotify playlists and the song should be in there
    you can also like songs from your local files playlist and add them to your other playlists as well, so they basically become like normal spotify songs on your specific device!

    anyways, sorry for the word vomit and i hope this can actually help someone out
    i loved listening to this so much and i just had to have it on my spotify lol
    jongho, seungmin, and eunkwang fighting!!

  7. I am a proud multi-stan. Their vocals fit so well together, and so beautifully. We need more collaborations between them!

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