HYBEのパン・シヒョク議長がプロデュースを手がける9人組グローバルグループ「&TEAM」(エンティーム)が18日、2nd EP『First Howling : WE』の発売を記念して、ショーケースイベント「&TEAM 2nd EP SHOWCASE [First Howling : WE]」を開催した。

&TEAM「Road Not Taken」「FIREWORK」2曲を圧巻パフォーマンス披露 2nd EP SHOWCASE[First Howling:WE]

&TEAM、ファンサ連発の可愛い&カッコイイ写真撮影!ファンが大熱狂でメンバーも照れ!? 2nd EP SHOWCASE[First Howling:WE](앤팀)



  1. 韓国語と英語で強い意志、明確な目指したい場所を訴えてくれた。日本語の訳が入る前でも話しているトーンや姿勢で心の中にすっと言わんとすることが入ってきたような気がします。グローバルボーイズグループやはり心構えが違う…

  2. 韓国語でコメントする場面、なかなか良い質問ばかりで動画にしてくださって嬉しい。

  3. もっとファンが増えて、先輩達のようにグローバルアーティストになって世界ツアーが出来ることを願ってます。

  4. 堂々と真摯に受け応えしている姿に感動しました。韓国での音楽活動応援しています!

  5. 素敵なコメントの配信、ありがとうございます。韓国活動頑張ってください。成功を心から願ってます!

  6. How is Fuma so good at Korean!? I first noticed when I listened to the KR ver of Firework and now here too.. I'm not a full fan so I don't know much about his background but I'm impressed. Of course we know K is good and Taki knows a decent amount but him, cool!

  7. Here you go, my dear English speaking LUNÉs~^^ Given that my abilities extend merely to a rudimentary understanding of some Chinese characters and do not encompass the Japanese language, I regrettably was unable to translate the presenter's questions. I kindly beseech your understanding in this regard.

    EJ said:
    As artists under the auspices of HYBE, we have been laboriously preparing ourselves to expand our horizons globally, following the footsteps of our esteemed predecessors. It brings us profound joy and exhilaration to finally have the opportunity to showcase our endeavors to you. It's undeniably nerve-racking to present our work to a larger audience than ever before, but we firmly believe that our diligent preparations as a nine-member group will surely resonate with you, our cherished LUNÉ audience, eliciting your joy and approval.

    K said:
    (Perhaps, on the request to answer in Korean) Okay, got it. Being of a naturally anxious disposition, I[We] have engaged in rigorous practice as part of my[our] usual routine, now feeling ready and poised to simply present our work to you. At present, the overwhelming sentiment within me leans more towards a burning desire to showcase our craft in various arenas, rather than being dominated by worry. I earnestly beseech you to harbor high expectations of us.

    TAKI said:
    (Perhaps, when asked what the "HYBE SUCESS DNA" is?) First and foremost, I am of the belief that irrespective of language or geographical boundaries, it is our ongoing determination to evolve exists for the purpose of touching people's hearts with our performances and music. Much like our esteemed senior artists at HYBE, we are committed to making efforts towards unifying the world through our music. I express my profound gratitude for your continued support.

    FUMA said:
    this is Fuma speaking. I would prefer if the listeners were to determine the genre upon listening to our music. My aspiration to become an artist stems from my admiration for K-POP, a genre that has enraptured audiences across the globe through the medium of music. We, in &TEAM, place paramount importance on empathy and diversity within our music. We don't confine ourselves to a single genre, but instead, seek to evoke profound emotions through music and performances that resonate universally. Thank you for your support.

  8. 케이 한국인인 줄 알았는데 일본인이었구나. 다들 한국어 수준도 구웃!!! 질문도 어려웠는데 답변 내용도 훌륭하다~~

  9. 緊張しながらカンペチラチラ見るMAKIちゃんも可愛い!

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