1. 태민이 아우라 작난아니네💘💘의상 색감까지💗💗 완전 섹시아우라💕💕거기에 카이까지 덤이네 짝궁둘이 끝내주네요 💕💕💕💕💕

  2. Of all the singers in East Asia's peninsula, perhaps Taemin is the coolest. Something about him is majestic. He makes dance moves only Justin can rival. He radiates class and royalty.

  3. 7年後的4/19 因為很想看Pretty Boy的影片所以點開了,真的很巧是同一天~ 謝謝完成這個作品的每個人和最愛的SHINee💎

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