노래 제목이 숨 좀 쉬자인 이유..😮‍💨🦠
안무영상인데 이제 찐라이브를 곁들인..🍻

#ASTRO #진진_라키 #숨좀쉬자

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  1. this is what you call a dance practice video, the artists having fun while dancing to the song! look at them have fun hahaha it's always nice and refreshing to see astro's dance practices

  2. Me encanta la energía que le ponen esta canción me pone tan alegre, y siento que me da un respiro, no tienen idea lo preciosa que es para mí.

  3. My favorite dance practice vid ever for real.
    Vocals 20/10
    Choreo 20/10
    Energy 100/10
    Enthusiasm 200/10
    Visuals 200/10

    This is the meaning of perfection

    My bias is rocky but Jin jin is wrecked it

  4. Rocky. You were the one of the first idols that I genuinely connected with on so many levels. One of the first qualities that I recognized fairly early on is your voice. This drew me in immediately because of the way your voice is able to accentuate the aura of Astro’s music. You rap with such confidence, an easy flow, and a soothing sound. I love that your rap is so powerful, yet not overwhelmingly aggressive or overexerted. The exact same can be said about your singing voice. To this day, my jaw drops open and I am so instantly moved to tears when I hear the melodic tones and effortless control of your voice. I didn’t immediately know you were capable of harnessing so much emotion in these long power ballads, but hearing the first one completely transformed my comprehension of your vocal capabilities. Similarly to your rapping, you have this softness and delicacy to your singing and add just the right amount of emphasis on all the right moments. You capture so much authenticity and reality whether you are singing or rapping and I am just so speechless on how one can be so immersed into music. Of course, your dancing is the other half of your outstanding musical persona. I did not know I would ever run into you, who has represented its truth and intentions your entire life. Your mind is so clearly connected to your body, and you are so able to transmit what you feel through your movement. I know that there are only emotions and words that you can communicate to Aroha and the rest of the world when you are dancing. You exist together as one to say what can’t be said with words. Not only do you make every choreography a part of you but you give it so much life and personalization in a way that I’ve never seen. I do thank you, for putting so much of your life into dance, which I know greatly defines who you are as a person. You can do what no other individual can do when you are performing on stage, and I recognized this so instantly when I met you. I can’t verbalize how talented you are and how diverse your performance really is. I believe what I noticed first about your personality was how quiet and calm you were. You just always came off as so mature and so considerate of the situation you were in. You speak so intelligently, so honestly, and so openly about what you’re discussing. I love how professional you are and how kind you are to those who you come in contact with. You represent yourself and Astro so well by carrying the reputation of your members and your group in this manner. To your members directly, I know you have the most sacred relationship and the most and the purest bond with. I realized so instantly that you don’t even hesitate to put your members first regardless of what happens. I love your sense of humor because you always make jokes that are unexpected or tease your members in the unforgettable ways. I love that you’re unpredictable in the way that you encourage laughter in others. I know that you can truly be yourself around them as well. I can tell how comfortable and at ease you are when you’re with them in any way. You don’t even have to say anything, but you’re constantly smiling and just having a great time with them. You know how to have fun and make each moment memorable, no matter what you’re doing. It’s in the little acts of kindness and every day times that you spend with them that just documents the unbreakable familial bond that the six of you share. I love knowing that amidst all that you’ve been through, you’ve always supported them in any way they needed. You cheer them up, comfort them, and remind them of their significance to music and this world with your presence. You are the reason they’re able to find purpose in each day and you serve as a role model and brother to them. Because you’ve made yourself so available for them, they have somebody to be by their side for life. They can look to you and see all of the hard work and energy that you’ve put into Astro collectively, and keep pushing forward. You are truly the greatest gift they could ever ask for, and I know that they will continue to evolve under your influence and love. I want to personally thank your parents and family for raising you and instilling in you all of the qualities and values that can change this generation for the better. I know that they are a huge reason behind your own personal goals and dreams coming true, and we love them as much as we love you. Park Min-Hyuk, you are a man capable of bringing a large group of people together under one grand, shared love. Despite not being able to see you as often as we would like, especially in this pandemic, Aroha could not feel more loved. I know it’s not always easy to talk about your feelings or problems that you’re facing, but to the best of your ability, you always communicate with us. You’ve prioritized us throughout your entire journey and have devoted all of your actions and work to us. There is nothing that could ever replace the spot you’ve taken in all of our hearts. You have the ability to make us feel so cherished and think about us every day even when you don’t have to. No matter how far apart we are, not a day goes by where we don’t feel the connection that we share together. You show your love and appreciation for us in your own unique way, and we get the best feelings we could ever feel from you. You are represent our dreams and we could never ask for anything more from you. You already bring us so much happiness and joy, and just the fact that we know we have you to turn to makes us feel as if we will never be alone. Both through your profession and personally, I know that you have been through so much. I couldn't be prouder of you for making it through all that has ailed you so far. It is so evident that though you will always have hardships from time to time, you have proven that you can conquer them and come out on time. Again, you encourage Aroha to do the same and face our fears rather than run from them. I know that this perseverance and determination of yours has definitely impacted your members and caused them to become just as strong. Of course, you deserve all of the success and glory that has come to you and to Astro. You are such an inspiration to Aroha and to others across the world. I can’t wait to be with you as your dreams continue to take off even more. I hope that this birthday brings you all of the blessings that you deserve, and that it is everything that you dream of; despite the pandemic potentially preventing that from happening. I know that surrounded by the people that love you most, you can have the most enjoyable and fulfilling birthday by spending it how you want. Please know that Aroha are thinking of you on your special day and on other days as well! We only want you to be happy because you matter more than anything to us. Please never feel like you have to do anything more because you are perfect in our eyes and always will be. Thank you for sacrificing your time, effort, pain; and thank you for dedicating so much of yourself to your music, and to us. We could never thank you enough for all that you do and continue to do each day. I pray that you and your family always stay healthy; and that you find happiness and worth in your future. Happy birthday Rocky, and we adore you so much!

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