1. woooo cool! HyukJae was taller than Junsu back then XD but now Junsu is the tallest one XD

    their friendship is <3
    Junsu <3 He can dance so well and his voice is Korea´s teassure

  2. Eunhyuk and Junsu are the best! Wanna be their classmate! I still love Eunhyuk and Junsu's friendship even if they aren't in the same group, but they had grown up together and this is the important thing.

  3. hyuk, this perfect dancing machine <3 soooo talented, even back then
    junsu became my bias in dbsk because i watched so many hyuksu videos lol

  4. for a moment i got confuse, which one is Hyuk and which one is junsu? then i remember, once junsu ever said "hyukjae always in the right side and me in the left side",,Hyuksu Shipper here XD

  5. i fall in love at a first sight by just looking at eunhyuk's perfect dance stage, omooo.. they are both so cool, love the song, love hyukjae

  6. Sad how ppl dont really know that Junsu is as good at dancing as Eunhyuk, Yunho and other amazing dancers in the kpop industry 🙁

  7. Isn't it? But I noticed how in some choreo even back in TVXQ time Xia was given some difficult parts along with Yunho. Apart from his solos.

  8. Daebakkkkkk
    Even though i'm eunhae shipper, i hv to say that if hyuksu debut in the same group, it would be… dont know what to say@@ cause their dance look so like to each other, even eunhae isnt look like that much!!! (Cause hae always has an own style in his dance~~ lol)

  9. i watched their performance of "Condition of my heart" first before watching this. I have a bad eyesight and the video quality isn't helping so idk which is which. I was comparing the way they dance and i really find the guy on the right side more appealing. like, they're both doing great but i really like the way the guy on the right dances cuz i think he puts emotions in his moves and very detailed. i'm still thinking that Hyuk is on the left side (of the video) cuz that's his position last time so i was ready to say "i'm sorry hyukjae, but i think i'll pick junsu this time" i was also ready to cry cuz i feel like betraying hyuk but i still must accept the fact that i like junsu's dancing better than hyuk's. Just then, the camera zoomed to the guy on the right and i was so shocked to see that it's hyukjae, i actually squealed and laughed at myself. I guess this proves how much i see and believe that hyukjae's dancing is better than others. LOL 😛 there's something in the way he dances that captivates me every single time. <3

    clarifications: I love them both and I think they're great friends. This is my personal opinion so i hope no one will misunderstand. i really didn't mean anything bad. #HyukSu <3

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