It’s a new FF adventure!

※​めちぇとの約束!アドバイス・ネタバレ禁止!A promise with Meche on retro streams! Advice, backseats and spoilers are NOT ALLOWED ❤❤※

💀🤘🍟!!!!SUPER MECHE スーパーめちぇ!!!!💀🤘🍟


Hello I’m Super Meche!
Game making, artist, retro game loving,
self made indie midboss succubus vtuber!
I make creative and original content just for you!
Come and take a look!

始まりStart:どーも (Do-mo)
終わりEnd:ごち (Gochi!)

🍟Game Dev🍟


📺配信、エゴサー Stream and general ::
🎨ファンアート Fanart meme ::
🍟ファンマーク Fan mark🍟::


MoonWind –
きまぐれアフター –
shijimi –
みんちりえ –



1. Chat is not a blog or discord. Do not have off topic convos with other listeners.
2. No trauma dumping, snarkiness, or backseating!
3. Don’t shit on the games/anime/media I am talking about or playing.
4. Do NOT mention other Vtubers except Hololive members
5. Absolutely NO politics, history, racial or social issue comments
6. Do not make sexually suggestive comments about Meche

After 1 warning, you will be banned.

Meche’s Stream is a JP/EN stream. I speak in Japanese mostly but also speak English. I like to have fun with chat, but please think before you comment. Do not be rude (calling me dumb when I miss something, etc.) or take attention away from the stream by talking amongst the listeners. Please be respectful to Meche, the chat and the media we are playing/talking about.



1 Comment

  1. Okay, full write up on this games quirks, let's start with the difficulty.

    In the FamiCom version of this game, they could easily have nine monsters in an encounter since it was all sprite based. On the DS, using 3D models, not so much. So they balanced the game by making later enemies and bosses get multiple attacks every round, with the final boss getting to attack FOUR TIMES every round. And the later bosses hit hard.

    Next are Jobs and Job Levels. In the Famicom version, switching Job required "Capacity Points", or CP for short, that are earned after battles. The more different a Job the higher the CP requirement. In this version, they changed it so that there is a "Job Adjustment Phase" where your characters stats are lowered for a certain number of battles depending on how different the Jobs are. The Pixel Remaster does away with this nonsense entirely and you can switch Jobs at will as long as you're out of battle.
    Other than when stats are lowered for the Adjustment Phase, the Character Level determines the Job's stats with one exception.
    Job Levels are easy, the level get factored into attack and magic calculations, the higher the level the bigger the number. To level a Job, a character must take an action in battle as that Job (even defend) to gain "Job Experience". It usually takes around 5-6 actions in battle to get a job level.
    In the 3D version, getting a Job to level 99 will allow you to get an Ultimate weapon for that Job.

    Character Levels next. As stated before, the Characters level determines your stats, other than HP. HP does not change between Jobs, but the amount you get every Level Up is in part determined by the characters' Vitality stat. You will need a lot of HP in this game because as stated before, the later bosses hit VERY HARD.
    The current best Job for VIT is the Monk, later it will be the Knight until almost the end of the game where you will get the Black Belt.

    There are three main sidequests to do with the "Mognet" in this game, one to unlock the NPC who makes the Ultimate Weapons for each job, one to unlock the Onion Knight Job Class, and one to unlock the Superboss. You don't want to fight the superboss, and the Onion Knight is worthless unless your characters are level 99.

    The Final Dungeon is worth its own stream, it is long and has no save points.

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