#ENHYPEN 공식 채널

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  1. Jay. There is so much to talk about when it comes to you, and I don’t know where to begin, but I’m going to try and start with your musicality; more specifically your voice. It has this coolness and this trademark edge to it that distinguishes from that of others. There is this subtle grit-like texture to it that makes it stand out in no matter what you sing. I know that another reason your voice is so beloved is because you sing with so much passion and there is no mistaking the emotions that you incorporate into each song. It can be tricky to rap sometimes, but you do it so naturally which I feel adds to the prowess that Enhypen’s music is comprised of. As igniting as your vocals are to Engenes’ hearts, in shows even more how felicitous you were to join Enhypen because you are a born dancer. At the core of all your moves is your strength; and I believe this is where lies your influence as a dancer. Your moves are so sharp and angular; leaving the choreography as a whole looking so effortless and fluid. I thought I was blown away when I saw you on stage, but I when I see you freestyling, having fun, and just feeling the flow of the music, that’s when my breath gets taken away. You acquire this intensity; and it is apparent in every aspect in your dance from the music fueling your moves to your heart-stopping facial expressions. Your technique is indescribable. Already, you have transformed the type of music that is defining our culture and the way that it is used to bring together millions of people across the world. There’s absolutely nothing that you can’t achieve, so I encourage you to keep unapologetically pursuing your music career. Thank you for sharing your voice, dance, and the power of performance with those who feel powerless right now. As much as I love your musicality, I love your personality all the same. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t mention one of your most prominent qualities; and that is your humor. I swear, your jokes are like a remedy. You can bring so many people together by making them laugh, and that is a special gift that not everybody has. Next, I just have to comment on your love for clothing and fashion. You have to have the most fanciful fashion sense and you always look so dapper. On that note, though you have a civilized and put-together demeanor about you, you have this gentle side and one of the biggest hearts a person could have. I know that nobody knows this better than your members. There’s still so much time left to be with them, but you act like you’ve grown up together all your life. You deserve to be in Enhypen because of your love for its group and its members just as much as you do for your raw talent. You are undoubtedly at the center of your members laughter-filled days. You are the motivation that keeps them constantly moving and working toward a better Enhypen. I love that each of them are meaningful to you in their own ways, and that you have create such a different synergy with each of them. We all know how much you like to have fun, but when it comes time to address issues the members are having, nobody is there faster than you. You are just an easygoing person and I thank you for being somebody your members can be themselves around. You are their family when away from family and even when they start to miss them, they have you and that will always be more than enough for them to keep going. Thank you for being the members’ reason why they feel so much worthiness and see so much potential for themselves in their lives. No matter the distance, you will always be in their hearts. I want to personally thank your parents and family for raising you, and bringing you into the world in the way that they have. Whenever you start to feel lost, stuck to the point where you don’t know where to go next, or lose sight of what’s important, I hope you look to your family to remind you of who you are. They will always know, love, support, and understand you better than we can, so remember that there is no situation too extreme for them to help you through. Even if you feel you have made a mistake or misstep, they will only ever be proud of you going out and experiencing life. They’ve raised you flawlessly and we thank them for allowing you to be with us. Jay, this might be an unconventional way to describe your relationship with your fans, but I’ve always seen you as like a second parent to your Engene. That we cross your mind so much and that you are thinking of us even when it is your opinion or satisfaction that matters the most, means more than I could ever begin to describe. Even those who felt the most loneliness now feel like they have all the companionship they need in you. We haven’t been together for a very long time, but laughing with you, crying with you, and spending time with you feels like second nature at this point. I also want to thank you for allowing us to be there with you at some of the most vulnerable parts of your life. It takes an incredibly deep level of trust to show how you’re truly feeling in front of people you haven’t even met in person that often, but you always put your faith in us regardless. You even ask us to load on you are burdens and you help us lift them off our shoulders by just talking with us. You are reason enough for so many people to finally start working toward their goals and to have the courage that they didn’t have not so long ago. I don’t even know how to thank you for the simple acts of courtesy that you show to Engene on a daily basis, but thank you Jay, truly. We will always work to be better fans and better be there for you. I hope you realize that we recognize what we have is what you can’t find just anywhere, and that you have given us your heart, which we will always treasure. Thank you Jay, for being there for some of the best memories Engene has ever made and for the ones we will create together in the future. I know you've been through a lot, both professionally and personally. I realize how long you've been a trainee longing to debut, and I know you’ve gotten hurt before in the long process that it takes to do that. You’ve even boldly outright told Engene about what you’ve had to face before, and nothing causes us more distress to know what you’ve had to deal with; in many times, by yourself. We’ll never fully know what you’ve been through, and I know you continue to open up about it over time, but all I can say on behalf of all of your loved ones is how proud we are of you for making it past all of this. You’re a very level-headed and calm person, which I know has always helped you when life got difficult. You’ve also found strength in your friends and members I’ve noticed. It is beyond impressive that you’ve been able to hold on to your dream for so long even when the outcome was not like you’ve expected. You teach us to be honest with ourselves and our feelings, and that even if it doesn’t happen overnight, all will be well again. I hope you continue to keep this effective and healthy mindset and maturity that you have now moving forward. There will be dark times ahead, but no matter how long it takes you to get through them, I know you will; and we will be by your side to help you through. I hope that all of your dreams come true today, and that you get to achieve all that you want to. If ever you find that you are questioning your role in Enhypen, your artistry, or the decisions this far, I hope you look to your Engene for guidance. Engene are some of the most diverse, inclusive, creative, and loving people there are, and that is all because of you. I hope that this becomes the best birthday you’ve had so far and one of the best days you’ll ever know. I hope that those around you help you to know just how inspirational, admirable, productive, rare, and revolutionary you are to everybody who you meet. Make only the best memories that fill you with glee and sentiment when you look back on them. I know you’re super busy and have a tight schedule, but I hope you if even only for a second spend this day leisurely to your liking. Do what makes you feel alive and purposeful. I know you can’t see all of your Engene, but I hope you know that we are all banding together to celebrate the person you are not just on your special day, but every day as well. Thank you for suffering through any fatigue, pain, isolation, doubt, fear, stress, strain, injury, hardship, and exhaustion just to bring us the smallest bit of content possible. Jay, though this message is long, I feel like it isn’t even the start of what I or any Engene want to say to you. Although we may never meet you in person, it is enough to know you care for us as if we’ve only ever been side by side. Anybody could learn from your work ethic and the way you treat others. You advocate for this world to become a better place through us all coming together as one. This being said, I hope you never feel pressure to change who you are or let anybody urge you into being somebody you’re not. You are perfect just as you are, and beautiful inside and out. Somebody of your caliber deserves to always be protected; and while it can be hard to bring your walls down, I promise you Jay, you will always be in good hands. You deserve all of the success and glory that have come to you so far; and I know more waits for you in the future. I hope that you always follow your heart and let it take you where you want to go. We’ll always be there for you, so let Engene and Enhypen move together as one forever. We’ll make sure you shine your whole life like you were destined to. Thank you for all that you do. Never give up, take your time and always keep going! I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe, and find happiness and worth in the future! Happy birthday Jay, and we adore you so much!!!!

  2. I really wish that Jay would read the comments on his fancams. It's full of praises for him from his fans and non fans too.

    Given – taken Jay was iconic. I want him to go blonde again in their next cb.

  3. He never fails to steal our hearts like man U R PERFECTTTTT .
    He is a whole package. Vocals , rap, visual , dancing, everything. ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
    He is farrrrrrr more than just a moodmaker . He is a real performer. That's it 😌🥰🥰🥰😍
    Love him so much

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