1. Antrak made by megawati soekaeno putri in cow farm she put in here 2 years until now and all polution poison in the air by moeldoko cs and suvarna padi cluster cempaka sorcerer assasin dark falun gong .related to this song n BETTY ONG 1999 WTC bomber twin tower

  2. Megawati sabotase n fraud n foolish n makar to indonesia n lie since 2012 just to do bart simpsons agenda with donald trump and make mangrove sorcerer wheel 3 milion hectare square in indonesia using goverment land plot and flowing fungus n bacteria to feeding demonic with astral shrimp etc and use astral catepilar etc to attack human lung so happen corona 19 around the world .

  3. 懐かしいなあ…当時の思い出が流れ込んできて生きることの素晴らしさと切なさが一気に押し寄せてくる…

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