jadi divideo ini tuh Seolhyun lagi ga enak badan gitu dan Mina sih kayaknya tau kalau Seolhyun lagi ga enak badan. Makanya di video itu Mina ngeliatin Seolhyun terus buat mastiin kalo Seolhyun itu gapapa.So Mina perhatian bgt kan. Dan di akhir akhir video Seolhyun udah ga kuat tuh kayaknya dan akhirnya dia dibawa kebelakang panggung dan member AOA lainnya lanjut buat perform tanpa Seolhyun. Baik kan guys

in this video Seolhyun is sick and Mina shows her attention to Seolhyun by staring at Seolhyun and making sure she is fine

#AOA #Mina #kwonmina #jimin #seolhyun
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cr: https://youtu.be/iPF9bXU–Fc


  1. I'm honestly SUPER curious, why are people actually defending Mina? I don't think you guys understand, she made the whole story up and accused Jimin for allegedly "bullying" her, Mina even dragged Seolhyun's name saying that they both bullied her. It's clear that some of you do NOT know the true story behind this saga.

  2. Minaring is one of the kindest people I've ever met in the Kpop industry, Seolhyun was probably not doing well that day, and Mina did a really nice act, helped a group friend!!! I'm proud of my little Minaring 😢😢😢

  3. What makes me sad is that Mina is obviously struggling with her mental health a d everyone expect that she acts like a healthy person when she is not. When we have mental illness we can act reckless and without proper tools we can easily jump from víctims to perpetrators, I hope she can get the help she needs. This shows she is a sensitive woman.

  4. she doesn’t look worried for her…do u not see the animosity in her eyes? if mina was tryna hide concern from the audience by smiling she should’ve also not done that with her eyes lmao

  5. I was going to comment something different but then I know Mina stans who still thinks she’s the only victim here would jump down my throat and trying to explain why I’m no longer on Mina’s side is too tiring I’m just going to say this: Thanks Dispatch for making me see I never should have doubted my bias, Jimin. And that I will fully support her again and will never doubt her awesomeness again.

    And any Mina stans can shove their comments down their throat if you wanna hate cuz I don’t have time for that crap

  6. Now that the truth has come out, I hope we all learned a valuable lesson about confirmation bias. Confirmation bias=the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's preexisting beliefs or theories. In other words, if you decide an idol is a bad person, you will starting reading bad intentions into every little thing they do, because you’ve made up your mind that that’s how they are.

  7. It looks to me like Seolhyun was having a bad day and Mina actually noticed and was checking on her and trying to reassure her while they performed. At the end, she clearly went to make sure she was ok and she really wasn't. I mean Mina was literally holding her up, trying to help her get off stage safely until the staff took over and even then, Mina held on until she was certain they had her.

  8. I feel bad for Mina and AOA, Mina was my second bias after Choa. I miss AOA and still will support all the members regardless of what they have been through or what they have done, that is there business not mine. Thank you AOA 💗💗💗

  9. This isn’t a kdrama, Mina isn’t a sweet innocent girl who got bullied she is a human being who got ostracized by a member and possibly bullied. All of those things are enough to turn someone bitter and angry. She seemed hungry for revenge and it bit her in the ass. That doesn’t make what happened to her not real.

  10. I don't like Mina and I know she's rude/horrible/manipulative to people but she genuinely has a good heart here. I can see the love and concern in her eyes. I know Mina ruined their careers and did unforgivable things to everyone but I'm just saying the facts.

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