값싸고 신선한 ‘로컬푸드’ 매장 “도시•농촌 상생 한 몫”

Grocery stores strategically located between rural farms and urban residence are proving to be quite palatable to both the farmers and their consumers.
Lee Eun-jin tells us how.

A variety of crops are grown in this greenhouse, like cucumbers and radishes.
Until recently, farmers had to worry about where to sell their produce.
But their difficulties have been relieved thanks to the launching of so-called “local food” stores close to the farm.

“This is good because I supply consumers with fresh produce, and I get income.”

There are locations that have opened on the outskirts of the city, at the boundary between the urban and rural areas, with some 100-thousand people as potential customers. The stores see endless consumers, even during the holiday season.

“The vegetables that I buy here stay fresh all week, and the best part is that the prices are affordable.”

“We were really in need of fresh and safe foods, and affordable good quality produce.
Our ambitious opening of the local food stores has been beneficial and meaningful as consumers found them to be convenient and close.”

This city’s agricultural cooperatives are working together to help raise the initial capital needed to open these local food stores.
And with some 680 locations across the country, they also take on the role of bridging the gap between rural and urban areas
by securing supply channels for farmers and bringing down prices for consumers.
Lee Eunjin, Arirang News.

#local_food #agricultural_products #fresh_produce #Grocery_store #rural_farms #urban #farmer #consumers #economy
#SouthKorea #supply #로컬푸드 #농산물 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스

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2023-09-05, 14:00 (KST)

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