#IRENE #REDVELVET #SMENTERTAINMENT #Irenestylist #ireneredvelvet


  1. Lmao all of these people on the comments are saints apparently. Everyone can get angry after being pent up for so long. And, all of you blindly believe that damn accuser. They dont even show proofs, just threats. And i bet Irene apologized bcs if she didnt, yall say that she's a bitch although she wasn't proven guilty. Lmao kpop stans from other fandom are so obsessed and dumb.

  2. This comment section is literally so funny. Everyone is just finding an excuse to hate her when she hasn't even done anything to you. Also to the people defending her w misguided facts, you're only making the situation worse.
    My opinions on the some of the comments i saw:
    • "She looks rude" There's a thing as that's her face. Also, if we break down that comment, I'd say you were probably being misogynistic. Just because she's a woman, is it expected for her to always smile? Lots of women in this industry have a cold aura, but now you're using it to fuel the issue when most of these clips are only 5 secs long on different occasions too.
    • "She's an introvert, but im also one and i don't act like that." If we break it down, you can either be an extrovert or an introvert, so let's say about 50% in this world are one of the other, do you mean to tell me now that all introverts have the same personality?
    • If you were part of the fandom, you'll find most of the time that Irene stays in her own world, a trait commonly shared among introverts. She literally is just in her head and just because she has an RBF, people immediately links it to the issue.
    •Also regarding the issue, the stylist was in no way connected to sbs. It was a stylist they hired for a photoshoot. They argued for 20 minutes, they didn't shout at each other. They settled and the stylist accepted the apology. It was a workplace dispute not an attitude problem if we look at it objectively. Regardless, the info only we have is from the stylist herself as Irene decided to apologize instead of dragging it out, which is the mature thing to do.
    •Working in this industry, everyone is out to get you. Fierce competition is everywhere and reporters are out to get the most exclusive topic. There was a witchhunt out for Irene. And never tell me she deserved it because no one in this world deserves to hate someone they don't know.
    • It's true we're all probably villains in someone's story. Irene only had hers be mentioned to the whole world. Lucky you.
    • The thing i hate the most in this comment section is, the people calling her fans blind. The very people who focuses on her and the people she is closest too. We stayed because stylists she worked with all her career vouched for her when they knew they'd get dragged in the mess too. Her members constantly pushed with the Ot5 agenda. The misleading clip here of Irene taking up the center position is because it literally is the default positioning they'd had since trainee days and she's working to routine. The members were confused and found it funny too. They know Irene the most and has always stuck by her like sisters. And honestly its enough for luvies to continuously try to make people understand her too.

  3. I dont hate any idol or any celebrity but when i see any kpop celebrity they look so humble even if they are introvert like junkook, suga,soobin( sorry i know few of them) but i find irene always arrogant in behaviour and always serious…. If u are introvert doesnt mean u cant even smile

  4. If she is an introvert type, then this isn't a bad attitude people were talking about.. I can see it because I am also a very introverted person, and she is not doing any bad attitude at all
    We have that called "limited facial expression" which looked like unfriendly behaviour, and we also not always feeling comfortable with people who we don't know really well but doesn't mean that we hate them
    this is what most people misunderstood about introverted

  5. you know people can say rude thing with nice face and then laugh . Irene literally expresses her expression and she is not the one sugar coating things . she sometimes had quiet and serious moments which led to her being a bad guys c'mon grow up
    i most of the time prefer being quiet and not giving any expression . people take me for a rude person many times . it's sick coz like i don't want to smile because i don't have energy to .. so i won't .

  6. Now I know why RV isn't that Popular even International as much as Twice and BP did and even their sister group Snsd & Aespa because one of them has a Sh*tty attitude that's why she doesn't deserve, Like I know all of us has a bad attitude, we're all moody but you know you're a star you captured by the camera left and right even at your back. learn to place your attitude especially when there are fans infront of you. I thought she was matured enough to handle all of those staffs allegations because she's also the oldest in her group but I guess I'm wrong tsktsk.

  7. I dont think based on the video, thats shes behaving badly. Not just because someone is not smiling doesnt or have that kind of expression doesnt mean theyre rude. Also with regards of the seat plan, she may forget that joy supposedly in the center and you guys dont have to make it a big deal. You are just looking for something that will ruin her name and she doesnt deserve it.

  8. I have also a resting bitch face. I cannot do anything about it, it's just the way I am. But unlike her, I don't scowl nor scrunch my face. It requires an effort from her part to show those kinds of expressions. It's really annoying to see her scowl and scrunch her face.. Why does she look annoyed all the time? Let's be professional and not bring our negative emotions when working.

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