[MPD직캠] 스트레이 키즈 현진 – The View
[MPD FanCam] Stray Kids HYUNJIN – The View

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  1. Hyunjin. It was certainly your musicality that drew me to you first. You have such a playful but easy tone which highlights and gives definition to every Stray Kids song. You don’t have fixated or set rapping style. You are very experimental vocally and lyrically and I’ve found myself charmed by your voice due the versatility of it. I also love your singing style for similar reasons. You are just as diverse of a singer as you are rapper. It is really peaceful and harmonious; and blends perfectly with the rest of your members. I love how you don’t hold anything back when you’re singing and I can really feel the emotion and work that you pour into each line that you sing. Similarly to your singing and rapping, your body knows no limits when you are met with a choreography. You dance with a ferocity and a passion that no other performers can possess. You take each choreography and sincerely make it your own, which is honestly a blessing to watch. When you are dancing, you can be yourself and express your emotions with the beauty of your body movements. You can lose yourself easily into your dance and you are so comfortable and trusting of your own abilities. For this generation specifically, you have transformed music and given new meaning to what it can and should do for people. You are changing the world each day that you continue to share your artistry and dance; and we are so lucky to be alive right now to get to be a part of the history that you’re making. At the same time that I love your music and dance, I love your personality as well. I love that sometimes you keep to yourself, but other times, you are goofy and outgoing. As I mentioned before, you are extremely freeing to be around and those who spend time with you can relax and be themselves in your presence. I know that nobody can attest to these qualities quite like your members. Seven different personalities, and they all love you and cherish you for their own special reasons. They’ve looked to you and have modeled their perseverance off of how you strive to not let the difficult times hold you down and prevent you from success. You have opened your heart up to all seven people, although you come from different backgrounds, and that has encouraged them to all to have such a loving relationship with one another. You’ve had love for them since you began your journey with them and this has establishing a lifelong love that all of you had before you even debuted. You see the beauty and necessity of every single member and constantly remind them how important they are to Stray Kids. There is likely no greater feeling for them than knowing that they have you by their side if they don’t have anything else. The most important takeaway is the time they spend with you and the way you make them feel, and these are both filled with warm memories they can take with them for the rest of their lives. You’ve already spent some of the happiest and life-changing moments of your life with them, and there is still more to come. The members of Stray Kids, also your brothers and your family, couldn’t have somebody who loves them any more than you do to look after them. You are always so considerate of them and their feelings and respond to them however they need. They are the best versions of themselves because of you and because you love them just the way they are. Now, they can go on to do whatever they aspire to because you’ve encouraged them with that confidence. I want to personally thank your parents and family for raising you and helping you become the person you are today. I know they mean a lot to you, and that you couldn’t be here doing what you are without their love and support. Because of them, you can use your platform to share with the world the same love that they have provided you with your whole life. I hope you never forget that they are always going to be the most proud of you no matter what you do. They love you most in this world and they do so in a way that nobody else understands. Stay love them as you do and we keep them in our hearts as we continue our time with you. We are so grateful to them for bringing you into the world, and for changing the world the same way that you do. Hyunjin, you touch each individual heart of every Stay, and this is easily one of the most charming parts about you. It is in your nature to make each and every Stay feel special, even if you don’t know us personally. You welcome Stay from all around the world with open arms, and I felt as if I was a part of the family my whole life. You are so dedicated to your Stay and this is very apparent in everything that you do, whether it be performing or communicating with us directly. You have so much compassion for Stay and I feel like we are existing in our own separate world with you. Although we all live in different areas across the world, you take us to a place where we can all be one big family together, and it is one of the greatest feelings in the world. What you give to us is irreplaceable, and there could never be another person who helps us see the worth in ourselves the way you do. You also help us love one another. You influence others to treat others with kindness and I’ve met some of the most heartwarming Stay. I know that you help this family become closer every single day, and you remind us that if we have nothing else, we have each other. You invite us into your heart, the same way that you do your members, and you see qualities in us that we don’t even see ourselves. I know for a fact that there are Stay who only believe in themselves because of you. You also share so much of yourself with us, and this is perhaps one of the biggest ways you can show somebody that you trust. As time goes on, I notice you revealing more of yourself through your music and just through direct conversation with your Stay. You have gotten so personal with us and this lets us know just how much you actually believe in us and trust us to keep these parts of you within our hearts. There is no greater honor than to have you place this vulnerable side of you in our hands, and we want to do the same for you. I know that it is not always easy to do this, so I hope you know that we could never mislead you or betray your trust if we wanted to. You are one of the most generous people we know, and we could not be here giving love to others and to you without the love that you gave us first. I know that you’ve been through a lot, both personally, and professionally, and that your time as an idol has not always been easy or enjoyable. You have been active for some years now, but during your training period alone, you’ve been met with demanding expectations, which many people cannot even say they’ve undergone. Just as your family is, Stay could not be more proud of you from overcoming your hardships and making it out on the brighter side. Each time you are met with a grueling time or task, thought it make time, you eventually endure through it until the end, and become more experienced. As Stay, I can say we learn so much from how you choose to release stress or convey how you’re feeling through the mediums that provide you comfort. We are beyond proud of you and continue to learn from you each day. I hope that this birthday makes all of your dreams come true, and you can take the time to truly celebrate who you are as a person. I know it might be difficult to focus on yourself, and if you find this to be the case, I hope you leave it to those who surround you and your admiring fans from all across the world to help you realize how revolutionary of a person you are. You are truly a gifted musician, and a courteous and selfless individual. You deserve this day, and every day that follows, to feel as appreciated as you truly are. I hope that every second is filled with memories that are unforgettable, and that this will be one of the greatest days that you’ve had! Please have fun and celebrate in whatever way you choose, because your Stay will be cheering with you! Thank you for sacrificing your time, efforts, pain, doubt, fear, tears, emotions, and physical boundaries just to bring us any content at all. For every effort that you put in that you might think is small, a Stay’s mood or day is completely changed for the better. You are blessing to this world and continue to change it every day with how you choose to heal it and the people living in it. I hope you don’t overwork yourself because you are perfect just the way you present yourself to us. We will support you and be there for you for the rest of our lives! I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe, and find happiness and worth in the future. Happy birthday Hyunjin, and we adore you so much!

  2. I had a dream of Hyunjin and this is the first video I watched and Hyunjin is in it and it kinda feels weird but I'm used to it also I had a dream of him because he is my bias💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  3. このノースリーブに、天性の美しさ。もう存在が芸術。ヒョンジンさんが楽しそうに踊るとマジで天下無双🕺

  4. So beautiful choreo with amazing dancing Hyunjin! ❤️
    Ah. I wish he will be happy like in this dancing moments every day! He deserve everything the best in this world!

  5. 又是一个没看过的舞台,收藏夹加一,希望铉辰能在舞台上发光发热很久,你是一位天生的舞者٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶

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