1. they literally made joshua cry for nothing. The audacity that people had to tell him to leave the group over one fucking dating scandal. He's 28 fgs.

  2. ジョシュアのガチファンの方は本当に可哀想だけど、アイドルも人間だから恋人をつくるのは自分は別に悪いことではないと思う。

  3. Most of the fans are not angry for the sole fact that he is dating, its the fact that they seem to not hide it and think about how fans would feel. Idols that are already publicy dating are not as daring, they are more careful as to not hurt their fans, thats why they get support and respect, instead of hate like this.
    Ps. That girl gives such a 'here for clout' aura… our Shua can get a better girl…

  4. 今や何事もなかったかのように活動している件。全部ハイブの思うツボなんよ。この涙でクソダサストーリーを完成させて、ある意味伝説だと思うw

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