1. 新しい番組Queendomでカムバックバトルだと聞いてたけどまだなのね!そして番組的に間延びしてていまいちだった!そんでいつやねん!

  2. An Added Let's Play Note: The Caribbean with its Emerald Green & Sky Blue Waters is filled with Surprises.
    To the Point: As I was enjoying an underwater swim I had to come up for air. With my lungs refreshed & my Senses Awakened
    I re-entered the Caribbean's Underwater Enviroment. However, this time I was met by a Group (Battery) of [Barracudas].
    They stopped. I stopped. They eyed me. I slowly moved backwards. The Barracuda had me paced. Yet, they didn't become aggressive.
    The [Spiral Motion of my Legs] moved with a different Rhythm. To Note: I reached the surface and dove again. The Barracuda were gone.
    Please remember: Don't do this with moral eels or Sharks. The outcome could be different. (True story). It actually happened. Amen.

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