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#KPOP #Mina #Jimin
Hey guys. I’m back with another video! This time we will be covering the AOA bullying scandal.

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– Research by: Evangeline, Shigi
– Editing by: Evangeline


  1. Please do not send hate or death threats to anyone mentioned in this video. For all we know, new information might surface again tomorrow that could change the whole narrative!

    Trigger warning: This video contains discussions of heavy topics (s*icide, s*lf harm, bullying etc.), as well as some (heavily censored) graphic images. If these topics trigger you then please do not watch this video! Watch out for your mental health and stay safe 😊

    If you're thinking about s*icide, are worried about a friend or loved one, here are some hotlines:
    – USA: 1-800-273-8255
    – HK: 2896 0000
    – UK: 0800 689 5652 or 111

  2. The real reason why this issue got so big was because it happened during lockdown, all of us were home, no school, no work. Just internet.

  3. I had no idea Choa actually got involved in the original meet up. She definitely played a good mediator. Jimin doesn’t remember all the things, because to her, she wasn’t bullying. I also think Mina gaslit her into believing she was just an awful person in general. She accepted her apology and then just told the internet something else. She made the entire group targets for hate and said nothing. Then would not stop bringing Jimin up! That used to irritate me on Netizenbuzz. Like leave her alone damn, she’s not responding. Honestly silence was the best defense from all the members.

    Honestly I was neutral because I was a fan of AOA and I was a fan of Jimin since Unpretty Rap Star. But the hate bandwagon was stupid, ppl who weren’t even fans kept targeting the whole group and wishing everyone’s downfall. It was scary as a fan of the group to see all these rando’s in the comments saying they will all pay. Like they weren’t already.

  4. i remember seeing these western "netizens" fabricating evidence on youtube to bring more hate to jimin. I personally was unsure of the situation so i just stayed neutral. so glad i didn't jump on the hate train

  5. Also cancel culture, you all have nothing to do really, contribute to your country GDP. Also your Mom Suck your dad's dick therefore you are stupid

  6. Guys lets just mind our buisnesses and be neutral for every situation. Someone already commented this but they have a good point because they mentioned that " What if ppl start bullying idols/other people who speak out about there bullying because we may thinks its the aoa or garam or soojin case all over again?".. Well yeah, I have a BAD feeling this is whats next and we should just stay neutral. Weather the victim is telling the truth or lie, we honestly dont know cuz were not a part of there lives. Also, i dont like how even if the person is victamized by an idol, they always have to give it away to our community. Like please, I feel sorry if u were bullied or whatever but its none of our buisness because what your doing may just cause scandals which may create bigger affects. If you really need to talk to someone about u being bullied, then u have friends and family. If not, then work on yourself ig. Not giving any bad intentions btw jus saying what would make everything more piecful.

  7. What Mina did to Jimin was straight up abuse. She truly needed professional help. The fact that netizen support this kind of behaviour again and again, both from idols and strangers is also extremely dangerous to everyone involved

  8. This whole incidence proved that people on the internet are punch of mindless, angry, crazy people who doesn’t have lives and just want someone to empty their anger on.

  9. This whole incidence proved that people on the internet are punch of mindless, angry, crazy people who doesn’t have lives and just want someone to empty their anger on.

  10. This whole incidence proved that people on the internet are punch of mindless, angry, crazy people who doesn’t have lives and just want someone to empty their anger on.

  11. The thing that gets me is that Mina in the original story said Jimin apologized after her own dad died. For me if a story ends with an apology then its not my business to try and kick the person out of a group im not even in, much less harass anyone whos not joining you. The alleged event was awful but if someone has a life event that changes you as much as a parent dying, i dont think its a guarantee theyre gonna fall back into old habits

  12. It is sad for Mina but she was seeing a mental health professional for self harm and suicide attempts 2 year before even joining AOA. She continued seeing one all the time she was with AOA even after Jimin left and the band broke up. Mina was unstable emotionally and took everything too much to heart, seeing it as bullying for being told to turn up for dance practice and meeting etc…
    With all the additional stress she would have been put under with all the work they did would only make her health worse. Many band member had to take breaks because of exhaustion imagine how that effects somebody with a delicate state of mind.

  13. This was such a wild case and it reminds me of Leia's fans in Blackswan who harrassed Fatou because she allegedly bullied Leia. Kpop stans are ridiculous and it's sad that they love running with narratives instead of being neutral on issues until there's evidence.

  14. Thanks for this video. I was curious about what happened afterwards after the graphic instagram post. It’s upsetting to learn all this but I hope everything gets settled in the end.

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