1. Oink Oink.. I can't believe that YOU are gone.. You told me that YOU will be back.. I have found a Note and it was placed by the front door.. I came home late and I saw the Note before I came in.. I read the note telling me that YOU are leaving some where and telling me you wanted time and space.. and taking a trip where I can't find YOU.. I would be waiting for YOU.. but will you come soon.. because YOU have not tell me when YOU will be back.. I would open the Back door and I would be standing at the back yard.. I would be looking at the table.. I would turn back.. we both would sit here at the Back yard.. pulling out the cold Beer.. and I would give YOU one.. after I would pop the Can open.. I just loved your Smile.. whenever I would stare and look into your eyes.. I would see YOU smile.. I would stand here all alone.. I turn to look at the table.. you would sit.. and I would stand.. You would be asking me if I had the cold Beer and of course.. I would go into the house.. grabbing the two cold cans and I bring it out to the back yard.. I would see you smile as I give you the cold can of beer.. I would be asking you about your days of work.. You would tell me that YOU love to work.. Of course I would share and tell you that I do also love to work.. always busy at work.. running all day through the night and seems like I am never tired.. when I come home and YOU call me on the Phone.. YOU would ask me if YOU can come over.. and as I am standing here by myself.. I am missing YOU.. I keep on looking over.. looking at the table.. I would watch you take a sip of the Can of cold Beer.. Now I don't see YOU.. after reading the Note that YOU went on a far away trip.. I wonder why did YOU not invited me.. YOU know that I would love to go with YOU.. joining you some where far and some where fun.. I just love watching YOU smile.. but at this Point of the Night.. I don't see you smile.. it hurts Me deep inside that YOU are not here this very night.. you would always call me on this day and asking me if YOU can come over.. if I had the Can of Cold Beer.. I would keep on looking at this table.. just remembering your presence which Now I miss you the Most.. WHY do I keep on missing YOU.. what did you do to my Heart.. is it the Cold Beer.. Is it when I pop the Can Open giving you the Can of the Cold Beer.. is it when YOU asked me.. if YOU can drink the Cold can of Beer.. or before YOU come over.. it can be your call on the phone.. I be looking at the Phone.. it remains silent.. there is NO text messaging on the Other side.. I don't hear any ringing on the Phone.. but I would look at this table.. and I turn to look at the Phone.. which I don't hear any noise.. as I turn too look Up the sky.. I have the cold can of beer with me.. being alone.. and standing here alone.. I would press the Button on the Phone.. I would see your Picture in the screen of the Phone.. It is when YOU sat by this Table.. and the first picture if you holding the Can of cold beer with a big smile.. my finger slides and it flips.. the Next Picture is YOU just sitting with a smile.. and I would look at it.. I would be looking at YOU.. and I would walk back.. and I would ask.. can YOU please look at me and I do remember you sitting there and YOU turn to look.. and I would show YOU.. look at this Phone for me please.. can YOU please smile for me.. I want a picture of YOU please.. can I take a picture of YOU and add it on the Phone Please and YOU would put the Can of the Cold Beer on the table and YOU would smile and I am trying to get the right angle and I would focus on your Beautiful face and I would say.. YOU are so Pretty.. do YOU know that YOU are the Most Prettiest when YOU smile the Most.. can I take the Picture of YOU and I click and the Phone takes the picture and I would walk and show you the Picture of YOU on the Phone screen and YOU would look at the Picture.. I guess YOU did not like this One.. and I do remember you picking UP the Can of the Cold Beer and asking for another picture.. I would walk back.. looking at the Phone screen.. I would ask YOU to smile once More and I see you smile.. and press to click on the Phone.. I would walk closer to you and show you the Other Picture of YOU on the Phone screen.. and YOU would look at it.. and this time gave me a big smile.. that YOU like it and I look at you.. I like it too.. Not just like it but I love it.. I love when YOU smile.. please smile More for me.. because it tickles my Heart when I see you smile.. makes me smile too from the inside out.. as I am looking at the Picture.. my finger slides for the screen to turn.. I am missing YOU.. because I know that when YOU are here.. YOU.. make me smile.. I feel more alive when YOU are so close to Me.. that I can feel you breathe and can hear your Heart beat.. I just need YOU.. I just need to feel you close to me.. why did YOU have to go on this long trip.. when are YOU coming back to the state so that I can see you again.. as I am looking on the Phone.. I hear the phone ringing.. and I just can't believe it.. it is YOU who is calling me.. is it really YOU calling.. I see your Name and the Number.. and I would answer the Phone.. and I can hear your voice on the Other side.. and I would smile and I would say to YOU on the Phone.. guess what I am doing right Now.. and of course YOU knows me.. and I would say.. YOU are right.. BINGO.. I am standing out in the back yard.. I have in my hand Your favorite cold can of Beer.. I am standing by the table.. and I would turn too look at where YOU sat and just started to miss YOU.. and I would be looking on the Phone.. looking at the screen and into the two pictures I have taken of YOU.. started to look.. I wanted to smile but How.. YOU are not even here so I started to miss YOU more and more as I would start to sip more on this Cold can of Beer.. I just keep on missing YOU.. I was waiting for YOU to call me because I did not want to disturb YOU on this far trip.. I am looking at the Moon.. YOU know that it is Night here so standing out here alone.. I miss you more.. we would both out here in the back yard.. do YOU remember that I would point UP to the sky.. telling YOU that there is The MOON.. I would say.. this Moon knows that I love YOU.. this Moon tells me that One night.. to bring YOU here so that this MOON can see who I be talking about.. I know that YOU do not show UP often because YOU are so busy at work.. I would stand here out in the back yard like this Very Night.. and I would turn to LOOK at the sky.. and when the MOON appears before me.. I would walk up to show myself before the MOON and I would tell the Moon.. I have been thinking about YOU for a long time.. YOU have been going across my mind for a while now.. But for some reason I just could not tell YOU face to face because I don't want to ruin the friendship we built together for a long time.. and I remember looking at this MOON.. I would tell the MOON.. I don't want to tell YOU anything because what if it goes wrong.. what if YOU do not accept my Heart.. and would reject my Heart and YOU would tell me that YOU did not feel comfortable around me any more.. if I hear those words out of your lips.. you know that I be getting a Heart attack.. I might even feel like I should of never told you in the first place if it is going to ruin our friendship.. and I would be coming to the back yard.. looking UP to the MOON.. and I would say.. what If it does Not work out.. what if YOU don't accept my Heart.. if YOU tell me Not to Love YOU.. then what is going to happen of all these years.. Of me trying to build this friendship.. I don't want it to go down as a waste or the drain.. I just wanted to tell you that I love YOU more than just friends.. I remember I told the MOON the Night before YOU came to this House.. I am going to show the MOON who you are by letting YOU come to the back Yard of this house.. YOU called me that night and I invited YOU.. YOU followed me to the back yard and I brought the Cold can of beer.. YOU sat down by the table.. and I would show YOU.. I wanted to show you something.. YOU have never met before and I would look at you.. can YOU Please look up.. look to that sky and something is waiting for YOU.. I remember you got up from sitting and came with Me.. and I would lead you and we both stopped and my finger pointed.. and the MOON was standing High above and I would tell you.. LOOK at that Moon.. do you see the Moon I am pointing at and YOU would tell me YOU see that MOON.. and I would say.. for a long time.. I would come to the back of this yard.. and many times my words cannot come out to YOU.. because what if YOU do not want to listen and to accept the words I say to YOU.. so I would be standing out here alone.. I would open my Heart and I would speak to that Moon.. that My words just can't come out.. because I don't want to lose YOU.. I don't want to lose anything from YOU.. even just you being here means everything to me.. your presences.. your smile.. hearing your voice.. asking me for the Can of cold Beer.. just your friendship that I love the Most.. but My Heart wants More.. I want more than just your presence.. I want more than your friendship.. I want YOU.. I need YOU.. I want to love YOU and I need YOU to tell me that I can love YOU more.. and I would tell that MOON.. what am I suppose to do when I feel this way.. the More I see YOU the More I want.. the want becomes a need which it comes from my Heart.. and My Heart wants to love YOU.. More and More I want to love YOU and tell these words of mine to YOU.. I been keeping it inside for a long time because losing YOU would crush my world.. without YOU.. I know I just can't go on..

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