1. Yuqi = Main dancer
    Yeji = Main dancer
    Yuqi = Lead vocalist
    Yeji = Lead vocalist
    Yuqi = Lead rapper
    Yeji = Lead rapper
    Yuqi = FOTG
    Yeji = FOTG
    Yuqi = ACE
    Yeji = ACE
    Yuqi = My bias in Gidle
    Yeji = My bias in Itzy
    Yuqi & Yeji are my bias ❤❤❤❤❤

  2. I love Yuqi's voice not just because she's my bias.

    I love Yeji's lower register/deeper voice. It suits her well.

  3. Actually, Yeji doesn't really have a deep voice. She can just sing in a deep voice when Yuqi has a deep voice. She's just like Felix, lemme tell you how:
    Felix's face: 💓😚😇✨🌸
    Felix's voice: ⛓️🖤💀🌚
    They're both the same 😂

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