Aired: May, 28, 2014

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@ the 19:58 Hyosung literally say Bird….Feet….Of blood.

If you had those words together in Korean, it literally spells out Bird Feet of Blood but it means “A drop in the bucket” or “A drop in the ocean” or anything meaning something small into something large or more accurately “a little amount when a large amount is needed”

Sorry it’s kind of hard to explain…..which sometimes happen when subbing one language into a different language.

Hope you enjoy~


  1. 효성참대단해 ㄷㄷ 뭐든지열심히해 가장초심을 잃지않고 열심히하는 대한민국 대표 아이돌 효성흥해라 화이링~~^

  2. Thats why she is my favourite female idol in kpop!! Cause she IS A BOSS!! <3 This is also why secret is my favourite girl group, not only cause theyre super talented but also because they are very chill, down to earth and true. I feel like most female idols try to show only their best  which is fine but i like the fact that secret doesnt really care and just acts like themselves, they stay true to themselves <3  plus theyre HOT, just saying! xD

  3. Honestly they are messed up for not passing Hyosung on random play dance she is the best I have seen. And they were so hard on her through out the entire episode, sometimes they really can be hurtful.

  4. GOSH I know that they do it cause it's 'funny' but I can't help but get pissed off every time Dony and Coni are such asses to some stars and friggin Mother Teresas to others. It's just a TV show obviously but I just put myself in Hyoseong's shoes and man all that dancing IN HEELS has got to be insanely difficult and I'd be pissed off if they said I failed. LOL anyway back to the video

  5. Ahh she wanted them to promote BAP more, this is why I love her and Secret so much 😢❤ TS artists make my heart melt I hope that we get more moments of BAP and Secret in the future

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