B.I. was one of the few kpop idols that successfully came back from getting canceled and it’s still as shocking as it was when it first happened. stay tuned to find out how B.I. survived kpop cancel culture and getting blacklisted! subscribe to kookielit for more kpop news and videos.

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  1. Some clowns in the vocal minority hating on B.I. for him doing absolutely nothing doesn't mean he was canceled😂 There's a reason he's been successful again.

  2. simple he’s got the devil’s talent, he’s dedicated and he’s hardworking.

    abandon? you might wanna double check that, seriously? and what’s there to forgive when it’s hanbin who worked days and nights just for the group to have songs and to have a comeback. no we do not accept those words in idland. hello he even left them songs in their idecide album, let them sing HIS songs.

  3. When he left Ikon, fans donated studio and music equipments to him. Coz we fans know he is just a casualty of burning sun scandal and the prosecution of yg artist at that gime. And it's all because of that Devil Woman who also rope TOP in drugs. That's why, ToP NO LONGER WANT TO PROMOTE IN KOREA

  4. Kim Hanbin is very talented, he is a good man, he never hurts anyone but he hurts himself. Fans know what he'd been through, we know he is not perfect and that is fine, a mistake doesn't define his entire personality, he genuinely loves his fans and fans love him. He deserve more, he deserves the world. I think some people should move on because he is already moving forward whether they like it or not.

  5. B.I has been my fav artist since I discovered “Killing Me” & iKON. I have followed his solo career from the start, offering my love & support as an 🆔 for B.I & his work. Knetz can cancel him cause he has a huge inter fan base & many of his songs have gone viral

    He deserves every good thing HE MADE HAPPEN. I will support him until the day he retires. He learn english just bcus for the intl fans, just for being blacklisted AND WATCH HIM NOW, SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. Im proudly ID

  7. According to this vid I could not be considered a netizen. When the news of his actions first came out and then the proceeding images of him running off to the Han River by himself I was worried and felt absolutely bad for him. The idol life is an extremely lonely path when it comes to dealing with one's mental hurdles and it sucked that he was caught making an "non idol-like" decision. People who never were, are not, and never will be idols can't understand the specific pains and struggles idols go through, but will themselves have made terrible life decisions at some point in their lives. Those folks could spare a little understanding and empathy. Hanbin puts out quality music, he is still able to produce and collaborate with fellow artists and the friends he had before still stuck around even during the "scandal" which to me doesn't sound like someone who deserves all the canceling and blacklisting he got. I hope his label grows bigger and stronger as well as his career so that cancel culture can no longer affect him.

  8. Why do koreans act like cannabis use is the end of the world when they have a huge alcoholism problem? Alcohol use is 200% worse than cannabis use.

  9. Hanbin was never hated by his fans, he is loved and fans actually waited for him to make a comeback. I think he’s the only idol i know that people root for his comeback despite his mistakes. Everyone know the pressure he was facing and the stress he need to endure being a leader of Ikon and prodigy in music production, it is understandable for his mistake but what makes it different is he apologize and comeback better than ever. He made a lot of charity works and had been consistently reflecting on himself, such a selfless human being. I remember during his last court hearing, his dad cried and mentioned his sister was bullied due to his scandal, which is heartbreaking. I wish people would be kinder. Hanbin will forever be my bias and I believe his comeback was possible because of his fans. Let him be happy and live his own life. Date whoever he wants and make music whenever he wants. Love always hanbinaa. If u want to know more of his thoughts, please listen to his Mindset series. He talks a lot about his struggles

  10. Went to his concert the other day on the Love or die tour, and it was the first K-pop concert in my country (Luxembourg). I didn’t expect so many people to be into K-pop here because the room was full and it was actually soo freakin cool

  11. what he did and now look at yang hyun suk, dude is about to get 3 years in prison for defending b.i, even tho yhs found innocent, they still want him in jail, lowkey unfair tho.

  12. I respect this man so much. He's the example of started from the bottom and now on top. He never gave up despite the entire country hated him. Thank you hanbin for never giving up you are our hero.

  13. I remember that at that time many people made B.I look bad by defaming the things he did, so not all sources were reliable.

  14. Well people don't talk about it a lot but usually members are the onea to cancel the member with issues due to being paranoid of boycott.

  15. Leo from Trainee A is rehabilitating his image after being cancelled and leaving Big Hit because of his misogynistic lyrics. Thanks to B.I., he is recreating himself. You have to believe that people are capable of change, and learning from experiences.

  16. He's Kpop's Phoenix for real

    It's like he lost everything because of that mistake ( he was not proven to take drugs, he just admitted to do it because the prosecutor pressured him) He learned a lot in a hard way.

    fast forward he's now touring in Europe and having sold out concerts. Releasing beautiful songs and now having an upcoming global album! His talent speaks! ♥️

  17. I have been a fan of B.I and IKON before they even debuted and let me please say that other than being talented, B.I is a VERY good person.

    Someone you will be happy if your daughter marry,
    Someone you would want as a older brother!

  18. If youre not talented enough, people wont care about you. The thing about him is he is very talented and despite the scandal he got invited to a lot of festival in korea..he also got lot of invitation from international so seeing him everywhere makes people realized he is getting accepted slowly

  19. He used to be so lonely. Spent his time on his studio. People who try to make him the bad guy doesn't want to look at this. His focus always for the grup. Even after LS success, and YGE said He would release a solo album, Hanbin denied it and said its not his time yet bcs he want people focused on the grup. With all his sleepless night, and sleep walking in airport, people should knew he doing this not only for himself. People who called him self centered, craving for attention, and doesn't care about other people need to look up about him.

    And one thing i really like about him, after his solo debut, he always be careful not to mention the grup bcs he knew media could make his word to something else which could be harmful for the grup. All he did just he said sorry to his fans and everyone. Now, im happy he is surrounded by people who really care and loves him. No more sleepless night, no more sleep walking in airport. And i really want to say thank you specially for Tablo and Hayi who always be there for him. And for Raesung/Millenium who always beside him through his up and down. He really have the best team rn.. With white noise club, shawn and his dance team, and his stylish.. I love this little team❤ and i hope they would be together for long time and be happy together❤❤❤

  20. He’s one classy guy. Just can’t help but admire how he built himself up from scratch. Just worked hard and let his talent speak for itself.

  21. Tbh.. DONT GIVE A FCK to knetz and just release music TO YOUR FANS, that's enough. There's still A LOT of Intl Fans, fck Korea and their decades old mindset.

  22. I remember how shocked I was when it was announced YG got rid of BI after the drug scandal. GD was ok,TOP was ok,but BI was thrown into the bin.
    At least it turned out for the best. Everyone is jumping YG ship either way

  23. Actually one striking difference he has done when he did his comeback is that not just to focus with Korea. He survived by also have a more international presence than Korean presence. I think that has propelled his positivity rather than just focusing on the negativity of korean media. Because not all korean artist has an international presence to be able to survive. One other artist that has this same scenario was Kim jaejoong. Even if he was banned in Korea he survived due to his international presence mainly in Japan and that greatly help his survival. So therefore it's not just talent that will have help you survive especially with all the negativity from korean media but to have a more non korean centric approach to you career will be more beneficial than anyone can think. And mind you yes maybe there are korean fans stuck thick and thin with BI but his international fans greatly help also by being a constant positivity to his career endeavors. So lesson learn. It doesn't hurt to diversified your presence because in the end it might save your life and also your career.

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