1. 최션 저 드라마 볼때 찐으로 저런 성격인줄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 로코 연기 개잘해🤭

  2. たくあんは名シーンの1つだけど、日本版は無さそうな予感がする(´;ω;`)

  3. このドラマは何回観ても面白い!シウォン、ファン・ジョンウムちゃん最高〜メイキングは尚更笑える(笑)(笑)(笑)

  4. Choi Siwon absolutely nailed the role. I have never felt so much pain for a character before, Mr. Kim was always a very happy and funny man, who made the series very entertaining. The moment he was hurt, we were all hurt

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