[Artist Of The Month] Choreography Record with TOMORROW X TOGETHER YEONJUN
[Artist Of The Month] Choreography Record with 투모로우바이투게더 연준

스춤을 달군 7월의 아티스트 연준🔥
연습실 영상부터 진솔한 인터뷰까지!
(16:25) TXT 멤버들의 냉정한 평가 현장😂

[Artist Of The Month] ‘Watermelon Sugar’ X ‘BLOW’ covered by TXT YEONJUN
▶️ https://youtu.be/5jRaQBcgJW8

[Artist Of The Month]
‘Artist of The Month’ allows you to hear K-POP Artists’ dance philosophy with their special performance only for STUDIO CHOOM audience.
Welcome to the new K-POP Dance journey of STUDIO CHOOM with your favorite K-POP Artists!

‘Artist Of The Month’ present by 스튜디오 춤
K-POP 아티스트의 특별한 퍼포먼스와 춤과 함께했던 모든 순간들을 들어보는 시간
#ArtistOfTheMonth #AOTM #YEONJUN

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  1. 연준이도 긴장을 하는구나…항상 무대에서 즐기는 모습만 봐서..저렇게 긴장하다가도 100% 무대에 몰입해서 최선을 다하는 모습이 너무 울컥한데.. ㅠㅠ 그냥 너무 멋있다는 말밖에…

  2. Yeonjun's performance is not just dancing and dancing, it has a story. Content is linked. His choreography was very difficult. I'm really proud of him.

  3. 한 번도 스킵 안 하고 끝까지 봤는데 정말이지, 춤을 사랑하는 마음과 아티스트로써의 열정이 여기까지 느껴졌어요 ㅠㅠ 항상 뭐든 잘 해서 타고났구나~ 라고 생각했는데 그보다 훨씬 많은 연습과 노력을 뒤에서 하는 걸 보니 진짜 뭘 해도 됐을 인물이었을 거 같아요!! 저보다 어린 분인데 많이 배워갑니다 – 특히 "어려워요… 하지만 쉬우면 재미없지" 그리고 "노력해서 못 하는 건 없다" 라고 말한 부분이 굉장히 와닿았어요. 난관에 부딪혔을 때를 대하는 태도가 매우 인상적이었달까요! 그리고 결과물도 너무 멋져서 감동받았어요~!! 자켓으로 기타 연주하는 부분은 정말 몇 번을 돌려봐도 소름…! 앞으로도 응원하겠습니다~~ 긍정적이고 힘찬 에너지를 북돋아줘서 고마워요!!! 💖💖💖 연준님도 투모로우바이투게더도 파이팅!

    Amo su personalidad, amo esa idea que tiene de que si él mismo no cree que es un verdadero Rockstar, nadie más se lo va a creer, por lo que vengo a decirte Yeonyunie que ERES TOTALMENTE UN VERDADERO ROCKSTAR que derrama un talento impresionante, un amor por el baile incondicional, por MOA y por los miembros igual. Eres un gran bailarín Yeonjun.

  5. The moment when Yeonjun said he’ll practice after the hotdog, then after a banana for real and then proceeded to bring out a plum too, I broke out laughing, relatable😂😂 eat well Yeonjun, dancing is exhausting ^^

  6. Yeonjun makes it look so effortless when he performs that it’s easy to overlook the huge amount of effort physically and mentally he had put into this, he’s truly amazing and inspiring

  7. 최연준이라는 이름으로 투모로우바이투게더라는 그룹에 있는 아티스트가 되어줘서 고마워요!모아들이 항상 응원합니다

  8. This man deserves all love and support from the universe<3 i love his energy so much😭💓 Keep going Junnie moas always supporting and will support you forever ❤️

  9. I swear; he is the healing and the most sweetest person!If you watch ATOM yeonjun mv & the behind stage video you can see how sexy & adorable he is.yeah, this is our healing yeonjun & we love him alot.>•<.

  10. Lo hiciste SÚPER bien,mi amor, te esforzarte mucho en la coreografía y se notó, también tu energía es otra cosa,de verdad, es lo que hace la diferencia en como bailas. Sigue haciendo lo que amas y está bien que las cosas no salgan a las primeras❤❤

  11. To me, Choi Yeonjun is perfect. Not 'perfect' in the way something is pretty or sparkly, but perfect like .. like how diamonds are formed from pressure and heat on a carbon deposit. He's perfect because he is imperfect, because he knows he's not flawless and he forges ahead regardless to make HIS OWN BRAND OF PERFECTION.

    Watching him practice is like watching what it means to have a human spirit. He is so sure of the path he was meant to take and like one of his quotes, he's not here to be the best, he's here to be THE ONLY CHOI YEONJUN there is out here.

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