1. I not really familiar with Ikon, but even as a stranger it hurts to see this hand gesture and estrangement between people who lived, breathed and cried together for years😢

  2. Ikon needs our support. i’ve realised this trend in kpop for always praising the member that leaves the group because ‘it’s not their fault’ they got in some scandal or they were ‘mistreated’, like so were the rest of the members ? As fans we don’t know what happened behind the scenes but how can you expect them to stay close and as friends when most of them are colleagues we don’t know if they like each other for sure. If i was a treasure member or ikon member i’d feel so disappointed and betrayed losing one of my members. We should appreciate and feel sympathy for the members that still remained and didn’t give up on the group because they’re being mistreated too.

  3. People on the xomment section.
    It obvoius why they are not showy with each other because of people like you who were making negative reactions😂 7konic understood this situation so much.. atleast atcthe backstage they hugged and interacted qith each other.. just waiting for them to become open in public and dont care about peoples judgement.❤

  4. Without iKON, Hanbin's solo career would not have succeeded. iKON deserves the best, and no one blames them for their behavior. They suffered because of him, and they did nothing, and their career deteriorated from scratch, and Hanbin betrayed them, ran away, and hid, as usual, as a coward.

  5. Hanbin & Bobby look at each other. Damn this is so sad… 😢😭 Hanbin & the all iKon member are holding back emotion 😢. I bet everyone at that place looking at them attentively in case 'something' happen *feels like crying 😢

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