[스타뉴스 임성균 기자 /]

그룹 아스트로(ASTRO) 차은우가 해외 일정을 마치고 24일 오후 서울 강서구 김포국제공항을 통해 입국하고 있다. 2023.11.24

The group ASTRO’s Cha Eun-woo is arriving through Gimpo International Airport in Gangseo-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 24th after completing his overseas schedule. 2023.11.24

グループASTROのチャ·ウヌが海外日程を終えて24日午後、ソウル江西区金浦国際空港を通じて入国している。 2023.11.24

#CHAEUNWOO #차은우 #ASTRO #STARPIC #STARPLUS #아스트로 #아로하 #AROHA #ONE #MJ #YOONSANHA #BadIdea #윤산하 #차은우 #진진 #라키 #JINJIN #車銀優 #ROCKY


  1. 다음에는 아스트로 단체로 출국하고 입국하는 날이 생기면 빛나는 아스트로 입국현장이라고 써주세요 부탁드려요~

  2. Together, the three ASTRO members—Cha EUN WOO among them—left Japan and went back to Korea.

    Despite working at different events, nevertheless.
    Your headline made it clear that you were ignorant of the significance of the three of them being together among Astro supporters.

    You dismissed the existence of JINJIN and MJ, and we haven't seen them at the airport like this in a very long time.
    You could have shared such a lovely occasion with AROHAS worldwide.

  3. Quanto potrà durare con questa vita. Povero ragazzo. Chissà quanti calmanti sarà costretto a prendere. Io lo vedo così triste. Mi potrò sbagliare ma è difficile. Gli occhi parlano, sempre. Caro ragazzo potresti essere mio fratellino maggiore e ti sono nel cuore. Isabel

  4. Astro 💜 MJ, JinJin, Eunwoo 🥰😘 hicieron buen trabajó.. Gracias 🙏 que llegaron con bien😍 Sanha fighting 😍💪🇲🇽

  5. Congratulations for Eunwoo, JinJin, MJ our best Stars welcome back to Korean! May get home and rest alot right our hearts from ASTRO ❤❤❤

  6. Iwould be happy if you had some fun time in JPN with Astro members✡️
    Please take a good rest and get rid of your tiredness💜

  7. 日本での音楽イベント後の事件により



  8. Starplus, u are a great news video for artists. But pls change the title as Astro arriving or write the other members name too. Can't u just see there is Jinjin and MJ also? So disappointed u left them and focus only on Cha Eun Woo coz he is the face genius one. Arohas love them all them although some have bias.

  9. 이시대에 조각같이 완전한 차은우를 볼수있음은 세계인에게. 크고 놀라운 축복입니다. 은우의 평안과 건강과. 행복을 바라면서. 좋은오후 입니다. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

  10. Wat about jing jing and mj ??? Are u sure only eun woo??

    Winnings effort goes to our moonbin for his sacrifices tat make this song beautiful jn remembering Him

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