1. OMG! He looks so tired. I can barely watch. I see what he's trying to do, but the secret to success and longevity is balance. Too much pressure and something might snap. He is an amazing entertainer. God bless him.

  2. 영상 공유 넘 감사해요~
    실물영접 넘 부럽습니다ㅜ
    학교2021 끝나고도 쉬질 못하고 건강이 좀 걱정되긴 하지만…
    요한이도 피곤하겠지만, 팬들보면 또 힘이나겠죠?
    과연 어제 저녁 메뉴는 뭐였을지?ㅎㅎ

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