‘bad guy – Billie Eilish, Justin Bieber’
Choreography by MOON BIN

#ChoreographybyBIN #문빈_산하 #badguy

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  1. 춤선 너무 잘 보여서 풀샷버전을 더 여러번 보는 듯
    물론 애들 피지컬도 더 잘보임..☺️🙈

  2. The fact that he choreographed this and ddankongmin's No. 1 stage! He has his own flavor and he's continuously getting better, he can debut solo anytime.

  3. Moonbin. Only someone with your performance ability can excel in the entire art of performing. First, it was your voice that mesmerized me and drew me towards you. You sing with such lightness and delicacy, but there is so much power behind every note that you sing. Your voice just gingerly glides through each word, but you have so much control and emotion at the same time. Your voice is capable of so much at one time and it is overwhelmingly beautiful to get to hear what you have to offer. You surprise us with each song because no two are the same and your voice just always seems to fit comfortably with the music. No Astro song is complete without the sweetness and airiness of your voice that can touch the hearts of Aroha in mere seconds. Your dancing style is so unique and passionate that I have a hard time believing that I have even discovered. The way that you naturally connect all of your moves together and complete each one with so much energy leaves me in awe and wonder. Somehow, your body speaks the language of dance and you just know how to move your body. Each little movement tells a story and every time that you get on stage, you build on that story with a performance that Aroha have never seen before. All you need is yourself and the music to completely leave a lasting impression on your audience. You are a natural-born performer and meant to be on stage. Every challenge that is thrown at you musically, you conquer it and seem to be able to perform with ease. I know you are completely in your element when you’re performing and I get this rush and excitement when you are on the stage, where you are meant to be. I am so glad you have decided to pursue that musical side in you and that you share that with your Aroha. It feels complete when you get to perform for us, and there is a side of you that we get to experience when you are ding so. Your love of performing and your ability to pour your heart into your music is one aspect of you that I love, but I’ve also fallen in love with your personality all the same. I first noticed your natural chemistry with your members. I always felt that I knew you by watching you, but you seem the most comfortable around your members and always act in such ways that I never expect! I love how easily that you laugh when you’re with them; even at the smallest of quips. In turn, you are always making your members laugh. At first, I thought that these moments were unexpected, but I’ve gotten so used to you all laughing so frequently at almost anything, and it brings me warmth and a joy I’ve never known elsewhere. I know that in order to be so open with someone, you have to have great trust and a strong bond, which is what you have with your members. I learned quickly that you can make your members laugh because of all of the hidden talents and gifts that you have. For example, the fact that you have a very strong sense of smell never fails to make your members laugh when it becomes apparent that you can smell something that they can’t. It’s in the little things that you’re able to find some reason to create laughter, which is, as I always say, one of the greatest gifts that you can provide for others. You always know when to have fun, but on top of that, I love how respectful that you are of your members. You are always so mindful of their feelings and are patient with them. You consider their opinions and ideas on different topics and always praise them whenever you have the chance. You work so well with them on a professional level, but your relationship goes beyond just friendship. You are one of the people that have allowed Astro to become a family, and you only deepen this relationship with every passing day. I know that the six of you have been together for a while, and your openness and honesty with the other members has established a warm and safe place for them to stay. No matter where you are, when you’re with them you can do anything. You’ve undoubtedly contributed the success of Astro, but more importantly, you are the reason that your members have grown to become who they are today. Every single second spent with them has been a reason for them to try harder and believe in themselves. It is so interesting to see how you’ve impacted each of them individually and beautiful to see them only become stronger and more sure of themselves. I love how selfless and loving you are to your members which is all that you can be for them; as you all are going along on this journey together. At the end of the day, you have them and they have you. I love that have created an environment of unwavering trust and pure love with your members. I can feel this love from my screen, even if I’m not with you in person. This speaks to how strong your relationship is. Similarly, you have built up a history of strong dedication to your Aroha. I know that you are sometimes disappointed because you can’t be there in the ways that you want to for Aroha all of the time. This hurts my heart because there is nothing more that Aroha could ever ask of you. Just being there and releasing even the smallest bit of content for us is enough to inspire us for a lifetime. We are so grateful for the hard work that you’ve put into to bring us any of the music, performances, or laughter that you’ve brought us. Again, we could never ask for more because you shower us in love just from the way that you talk to us. We are lucky to have you because you are always cheering us up and warming our hearts with your sweet actions and words. You never fail to put a smile on our faces and everything that you do for us is just perfect. We would never change anything and the life that you’re giving us right now is the greatest we could ever ask for. Overall, you are such a professional and kindhearted person. You are so gentle with those that you meet and sometimes it’s hard to believe that the same Moonbin that commands the stage is the same Moonbin that can sometimes be shy and sensitive. I love every part of your personality and know that I have grown to be more like you because I admire you so much. I want to sincerely thank your parents and family for raising you and helping you become the person that you are today. I know that your family is extremely important to you, and your Aroha keep them in our hearts as you do yours. We wouldn’t have you without their guidance, so we really appreciate them and value them as well. Moonbin, you are truly a gift to this world and I am so lucky to have discovered Astro when I did. It’s been three years since I’ve discovered you, and I haven’t been there since the beginning like I would have liked to, but being here now is enough. I couldn’t choose anybody else that I would rather support. You are so loyal and hardworking for those that count on you. You are naturally generous and always seem to want the best for others. You’re willing to help people achieve their dreams no matter how you have to do it. Astro knows all of the success and glory that it knows today because of your determination to keep aiming higher. You always say that you’re going to do better than before, no matter what it is that you’re referring to. Whether it be a performance, comeback, or anything else, you always keep your promise to your Aroha and yourself. As Aroha, we already think that you’re perfect and we could never ask more of you, but somehow you surprise us and come back even stronger than before. I know that Astro has been through a lot even before your debut. I could not be prouder of you that you are still going strong today, especially in the midst of a pandemic, and you are trying new things. You never stop creating and giving back to your Aroha even though we never did anything to deserve so much of your efforts. You are so strong to be here today, and to be there to comfort and motivate your members through all that you’ve gone through together speaks a lot to your character. I know that none of them would be as happy and bright without your love and support for them. We know that you are so giving and never hesitate to do anything to make somebody smile. Even the smallest of actions have gone a long way, and I only hope you know the power of the love that you spread among so many people. I am so thankful for all of the times you’ve spent working for Aroha when you could have been doing anything else. Thank you for the endless nights of practice, struggles you might have face, and sacrifices you’ve made to ensure that even one Aroha is happy. There are so many inspired and confident people all across world because of your belief in them and your countless acts of kindness. I hope that you know Aroha want nothing other than to give you back all that you’ve given us. There’s not enough time to do that, but we can start by loving and supporting you always. We will never leave your side! We are genuinely thankful for all of the memories that you’ve given us and we hope that we remain in your heart a safe place like you are for us. I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe, and always find happiness in your future. I hope that you never overwork yourself because you do more than we can ever ask for. Thank you for all that you do and for the person that your members and Aroha can turn to for anything. Happy birthday Moonbin, and we adore you so much!

  4. Sanha. I first want to talk about your voice, because it has a sound I have most definitely never heard before. It has so much to offer, but perhaps what I love most about it is that it is so soulful. It is so familiar to me and brings back memories of my childhood. There is familiarity to it and it comforts me, although I don’t even know you personally. I can tell that you sing with so much passion and you really pour your heart into every line that you sing. I know that music has been important to you for you entire life, and you have changed mine just upon hearing it for the first time. You can really express yourself and communicate in a way that you can’t with just words, because music has become the primary way for you to reach out to your audience. At the same time, you are one of the most multi-talented dancers I know. You pay so much attention to the precision and accuracy of your choreographies, all while incorporating your own character and leaving a piece of you for your audience as well. You dance with such determination and eagerness, and I can tell that it is just in your nature to dance. Your movements are seamless and crisp, and you add so much sophistication to Astro choreographies. You can add or lessen the amount of intensity to really exemplary the concept of your moves whenever you need to. At the same time, you make sure to embody your own self in these routines and show the world through you are through dance. You always take the time to weave in such memorable gestures or movements that can only be treasured by your Aroha. You are always aware of so much at one time when you dance, and there are not many people who can balance all three without compromising another. Overall, you are born to be on the stage. Not only do you understand music, but you open pathways for your audience to see what it can mean for them as well. You give it a new meaning and shoe people how it can be used to change who they are, as it did for you. I thank you for being so keen on exploring the musical side of yourself, because the world needs it and your creativity. As much as I love your musicality, I love your personality as well. I noticed instantly how easily you smile and how happy you always seem to be. I began to crave the happiness that you had because just seeing you feeling so positive caused me to feel the same way. I also want to comment on how mature you are. I believe you are someone who is very sure of themself and is very aware of who you are and who you are not. You’ve taken on leadership roles since a very young age and you are very self-aware and conscious of what you want, even if you’re not sure how to get there. Without knowing them completely, you have confided in your members and shown them who you really are since the beginning of your journey. I notice that your members always want to protect you because you are so sacred to them. They will willingly sacrifice their own emotions so that you don’t have to go through trouble, because they need the optimism that you give to them. You make them laugh and show them the brighter side of life when they lose sight of it. You know how to tease them lightheartedly, and you can make any situation fun no matter where you are. With you they can feel alive and just be themselves. Because you accept them for who they are, they will always do the same to you and fight for you before they do it for themselves. They have so much confidence in you and are constantly reminding you of your role in this group. You are very admirable and they aspire to have your work ethic and outlook on life. You couldn’t love them any better and you show them a love nobody else could give to them. Because of you, they have somebody who will love and support them for the rest of their lives, and you have them. They can be whoever they want because of you, and be the best version of themselves. I hope you never forget for a second, just how much you have changed them. I want to personally thank your parents and family for raising you and helping you to become the wonderful person you are today. Your family will always love and support you more than anybody else in this world. I hope you always put them first because they are most important in your life. There is no room in their heart to feel anything other than pride for you, so if you ever get discouraged, remember they are with you no matter where you are or what happens. They love you unconditionally and understand you more than anybody else and are so proud of who you’ve become! Aroha keep them in our hearts as you do and we thank them for spreading the same love and kindness to the world that you do. Sanha, the Aroha get a love from you that we can’t get anywhere else. Even if your projects are personal and you want to pursue them alone, you always do so with the satisfaction of us on your mind. I can tell that you sincerely value our response to your work, and there is no greater feeling than knowing that you care about our feelings. No matter the distance between time that we get to meet you, you always make us feel as if we are the only people in the world. You help us to love each other better as well because we know we all have each other. If anyone ever feels less than what they are, they have you to remind them that they matter and that there is somebody who cares enough about them. You are family to those who might not feel like they have it. You get so personal with us with makes us feel like you trust us enough to know about who you really are. You also share with us your dreams, which we will always help you make true. There is no greater feeling than getting to go along your journey with you and watch who you become, because you help us discover who we are. So many people are confident and not afraid to be themselves because of you. You give us an irreplaceable love and there is a spot in our hearts for you that will forever be there. You show us greater love than we could ever imagine and give us feelings we never thought we’d feel. There will never be enough in this world for us to express our gratitude for the live you’ve shown us. You change lives every day and we could not be here without you, as your members couldn’t. I know you have been through a lot both professionally and personally. You’ve felt more than you should have at such a young age, and had to deal with those feelings during times of confusion. I could never stress or communicate how proud we are of you for persevering through all that has ailed you. You are indescribably strong for making it through all of lives hardships and your conflicting feelings. You teach the world how to grow from these experiences and to become wiser on how to handle them in the future. You are doing absolutely perfect in our eyes, and we wouldn’t change a thing. I hope that this birthday makes all of your dreams come true and that you can celebrate how inspiring of a person you are. I hope that the love of Aroha on all sides of the planet fills your heart and lefts you up. Please celebrate any way you like and relax! I hope that there are nothing but happy memories and this day is one of the greatest you’ll ever have! Lastly, I hope all the blessings you deserve come to you! Sanha, please don’t overwork yourself because you are beautiful inside and out. We wouldn’t change a thing about you. Thank you for sacrificing your time, emotion, and effort just to bring us any content. Any effort you make, no matter how big or small, changes someone’s day or life in the world. I hope you don’t chage, and keep changing the world. We love you more than words can say. Happy birthday Sanha, and we adore you!!!!

  5. please see their talent not the room, it's been almost a year they moved. just talk in your heart, no need to comment on room problems.

  6. 🌟アストロのムンビンくん。ダンスを踊ってる姿がかっこいいですね☺️😺素敵です🍀🌸遠く離れた場所でいつも応援しています✨大好き💕ユニット活動楽しみですね✨振り付けがとても良いですね✨astroplay様ありがとうございます🎆心から感謝致します💐

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