1. I never knew this man was white. What a beautiful voice. RIP sir and thank you for sharing your gift with the world. You live on through your music, forever and ever❤

  2. Love is really the greatest value existing in this world. It is also important to note that the world can become much better place if people start to love each other not only their loved ones

  3. I always adored this song which I first heard in the late 70's. I was in Cuba, I was a teenager and I never saw it on video until recently. I didn't know his name, and while on Tiktok someone shared this song singing but a video of the last ones when he was older.

    It made me very sad to see for the first time the great singer that I admired in my youth and curiously I always thought he was African American. His voice was formidable, without a doubt one of the great singers in a perfect style.

    The arrangement is unbeatable. I don't know who the arranger is, I would like to know because I am also a musician arranger and it is interesting for me to know who has created such a wonderful and high-level arrangement.

    Wherever you are, thank you sincerely,

    RIP genius! 💔😓🙏

  4. I guess you wonder where I’ve been,
    I searched to find a love within’
    But I came back to let you know
    Got a thang for you and I can’t let it go…❤

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