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  1. Милашка, котик, не прячь своë очарование, веселись и показывай своë мастерство танцевальное;бублик, пончик…блин , я сейчас обратно заплачу, потому что хочу тебя затискать всего;люблю тебя

  2. Absolute wrecker. Vocals that warm the heart. if you don't love him now, then you will definitely love him at the most unexpected moment in your life

  3. Seungkwan's facial expressions are so incredible!! The way he smiles at first, and then suddenly becomes serious…. What could be better than this??

  4. i'm sorry, but only 28k views? this cam is slept on – from the softness, the fit, the crisp and smooth way he hits every move, the expressions, THE HAIR… this fancam is my favorite 💜

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