
audio: papacito – alaina castillo
footage: loonatheworld why not and so what mv (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOJplhB0wGQWv9OuRmMT-4g), heejin full moon @MCOUNTDOWN_2019.10.31 focus, heejin why not @MCOUNTDOWN_2020.10.22 focus, heejin @MCOUNTDOWN_2020.12.17 focus, and heejin 190818 santa monica fancam
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luosnijjung/


  1. Don't read if you don't like long comments and just gonna complain about my comment length but if you're curious please continue reading

    Orbits really underrate her, basically trying to ignore it trying to neglect her so they can uplift other "underappreciated" Members like Vivi, Gowon, choerry, hyunjin etc.. And that appreciating Ot12 I don't mind, I want more lines more center for Vivi, yeojin, haseul, fair line distribution basically but why they have to kind of be salty towards heejin as if she's distributing the lines.. Everyone keeps complaining, oh no this girl again? Heejin is on the screen everytime wheres Vivi.. And I understand that they don't bias heejin do it's hard for them maybe to tolerate her maybe… But what it does is she watched these reaction videos and I'm sure reads the comments on their vlives etc. She sees that even if she's working so hard since her trainer days, being more of a dancer, she got really great vocals and now is a good rapper too after working so much on herself, she has always improved her performance skills every comeback, I honestly think she has one of the best stage among the current generation idols! Still she doesn't get the credit she deserves from orbits, they say they love loona but every comeback they start hating on heejin more and more. Her fans are 80% casual loona listeners and 20% actual orbits who if they praise heejin other orbits who bias other members shame them for biasing popular members like heejin.. She's basically the Jennie of loona, whatever she does, however hard she works people over look it because they don't keep any expectations from her.. And only look out for other members especially who they think aren't popular enough.
    I can relate a lot to heejin because I was so strong and brave as a kid that my parents would always give me the biggest responsibilities, everyone thought I was brave and didn't need as much attention and love. My siblings weren't the best in studies but even when they got 40 or 50 out of 100 my parents would take them out to eat, but I consistently got 1st in class since kindergarten until 9th grade not once they took me out or were as happy, they took it for granted… And seeing them be so nonchalant to my efforts, I was so insecure from inside I never enjoyed with my friends, spending so many sleepless nights, because I wanted to do the best, be the best in studies so that my parents would be proud and would come to appreciate my efforts someday. I grew more and more insecure because no matter how hard I worked they seem to not notice that it was never easy for me too. I strayed away completely when I was in 10th grade, being so insecure, i still am, I have such trust issues and I was suicidal and developed social anxiety. Literally became the opposite of what I was in the past. Am still struggling to regain my confidence and be in a better mental state. People for whom you work so hard and from whom you expect some support if they ignore and do not appreciate you it literally shatters ones self belief. Heejin is working so hard for orbits and loona, it's not for herself, she's putting her all in every performance yet all they can do is ignore her efforts or underrate her. I lost country of how many times I read comments saying "vivi, jinsoul, yeojin, choerry, hyunjin, haseul = amazing, slayed, BBC give them heejins lines, vivi raps better than heejin etc etc while all they can comment about heejin is " Heejin looks bloated" "Heejin looks tiny" "Heejin voice doesn't suit this rap wish vivi was given this as she can rap too", yes she is appreciated by heejin biased people in her own fancams but orbits in general don't really like to give her credit, even if they do it's a token comment like, heejin has a good voice but come on BBC give her lines to vivi Or Gowon. Her own fandom in general is annoyed at her.

    I hope bbc gives really big importance to line distribution and center distribution. Because firstly I completely agree it's unfair for Vivi to just get a yeah, Gowon, Yeojin, haseul when they are so so talented and capable, but we should also remember that people who are given so much responsibility by the company also has to work 10 times harder and has to shoulder and be burdened by all the hate and criticism the group gets.
    I can just tell heejin has seen the comments hating on her saying she doesn't deserve the lines while Chuu and Kim lip actually have much more lines than her in most of their songs. If they keep underappreciating she'll grow insecure and doubtful of her talent and her capabilities. Because no matter how hard she works people seem to only say she doesn't deserve it, why her again? Or just completely ignore her while complimenting every other member.
    It's only casual listeners of loona at this point who actually appreciate heejin for what an ace she is. But she's a really strong girl mentally and has resilience and strong self belief still I'm sure somewhere she hurts seeing such comments, she is always emphasizing her other members and always putting other first which is good but it shows she's conscious that the people who bias other members don't like her and hates the fact she gets more lines and screen time than their biases.

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