As soon as I was made acquainted with this Ed Sheeran tune, I knew it would inspire some choreography. Then I heard the line, “I met her at Guys in the Second World War” and immediately contacted some of my WW2 reenactor friends. I was delighted to find they were willing to be involved! A huge thanks to Matthew Waisner and all the reenactors at Latta Plantation!

I hope you enjoy this dance video and message. Finding joy in the midst of despair is a battle worth fighting!


  1. Це схоже на історію військовослужбовця регулярної української армії, який бореться проти вторгнення російської нечистоти і тікає на крайній захід України після того, як його вдарила українська дівчина, яка прийшла на допомогу.

  2. It's like the story of a regular Ukrainian soldier who falls in love with a Ukrainian girl who came as a medical aid during a Russian invasion and runs away with the Ukrainian girl to western Ukraine.

  3. I'd love to hear a group of dancers do a collab with an accapella group, I know Irish dance can make a beautiful percussion when yall dance together
    One of these days I will learn lol

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