Reuters: With the resumption of bilateral ties with Nauru, does China plan to step up investment and trade with Nauru and also offer financial aid to the Pacific country? Are there any details as to what type of investments or trade or how much of financial aid?

Wang Wenbin: Today, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi and Nauru’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Lionel Rouwen Aingnimea, who is on a visit to China at our invitation, signed Joint Communiqué on the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations Between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Nauru in Beijing. Our two countries decided to reestablish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level, effective as of this day. Nauru has become the 183rd country to have diplomatic relations with China.

The reestablishment of diplomatic ties between China and Nauru once again demonstrates that there is but one China in the world, the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal Government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. It’s an indisputable fact, a prevailing international consensus and a widely accepted basic norm governing international relations. China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no challenge, the Resolution 2758 adopted by the UN General Assembly allows no distortion, the historic trend toward China’s reunification will not be stopped, and no country should be absent from the world’s big family committed to the one-China principle.

China’s relations with Pacific island countries have continued to deepen. The reestablishment of diplomatic ties between China and Nauru represents the shared aspiration of Nauru and the Pacific islands countries, and serves the fundamental and long-term interests of China and Nauru. The two countries have started a new chapter in bilateral relations and opened the door of friendly cooperation and common development. China will uphold the “four full respects” policy and work with Nauru in various fields based on equality, mutual respect, mutually beneficial cooperation, openness and inclusiveness for the benefit of the two peoples and their future generations.

There are still a handful of countries who still have so-called “diplomatic ties” with Taiwan. We call on these countries to recognize the trend, seize the historic opportunities, and stand on the side of the international community, on the side of international justice and on the right side of history. Friendship, whenever it happens, is cherishable. China stands ready to turn a new page with these countries on the basis of the one-China principle.

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  1. Nuofu doesn’t really know what win win means. He’s never won a single thing in his life. He thinks if he watches some other country that he’s not a part of win, it’s the same as him winning. Sorry Nuofu, it doesn’t work like that. Nobody else’s wins mean anything for you. Just like those things you brag about were never yours. A dysfunctional adult still dependent on his more successful family members to take care of him is nothing to brag about LAHHHHHH 🤣

  2. Nuofu loves to feel proud of things he never did. Only total losers do that. People who have never succeeded at anything important and so they desperately want to feel like they’re part of a winning team. Sorry, Nuofu, China doesn’t consider you to be part of their country. And even if you were, you still did absolutely nothing to be proud of. You can only watch others while your family takes care of you even though you shouldn’t need them. A dysfunctional adult. By the way, I don’t give a crap about India, a country I don’t live in.

  3. So according to the always entertaining taiwanstillisacountry, there are ONLY two possible places where someone of Indian descent can live. One is of course India, and the ONLY other place, according to this guy, is Malaysia. He thinks those are the only two places.

    Rishi Sunak is imaginary, he doesn’t exist, because someone like him can’t possibly exist in the UK. Same with Nikki Haley. Can’t be someone like her in the U.S. They’re both imaginary characters. Right Nuofu? I’m wondering if this is a symptom of autism or some other disorder.

  4. Hey I don’t think Nuofu has an EU passport. Because I lived in Europe for five years, visited several cities, and basically every single city in the EU that has a Chinese diaspora also has an Indian diaspora. So he would have seen them and known that we live in more than just Malaysia.

    Also, actually says lah? Who speaks Singlish? Not Chinese. Definitely not Chinese descent people in Europe. It’s a Singaporean thing. So this dysfunctional adult is actually a Singaporean who never left Southeast Asia. How many lies has it been so far Nuofu?

  5. "Unethical studies on Chinese minority groups are being retracted — but not fast enough, critics say

    Campaigners who want scrutiny of biometrics research on Uyghurs, Tibetans and other groups are frustrated by slow progress


  6. Nauru a small country though have finally Awaken now . Facts can't be ignored U.S. and Taiwan themselves can't hide their failure after long wait .Now Nauru have joined the Prosperity China to Positive trajectory path destination through wise insightful of win win as solution to all its desires acknowledgement of One China principle to development in Professionalism is right path .

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