Edit 2: For a higher quality sound of this masterpiece, follow this link: https://youtu.be/KkZxf1VenqQ

Edit: Holy keyblades Sora! Over 1 million views?!?! Keep it up all you Xion fans! I strongly recommend supporting Ms. Shimomura and Square Enix by buying the album, but that’s just me!

As if loving Xion, her theme, and Vector to the Heavens wasn’t enough, Yoko Shimomura (along with Sachiko Miyano) just had to turn it up to 11.

Xion… Come back… I… I miss you. :'(
Video Image: http://javelin434.deviantart.com/art/Xion-1-5-HD-435201668

Album Info:
Title: Memória!: The Very Best of Yoko Shimomura
Release Date: Mar. 26, 2014
Publisher: Square Enix Co., Ltd.
Label: Sony Music Entertainment Japan
Japanese Article Number: 4988601463928
Official Japanese Website: http://store.jp.square-enix.com/item/SQEX_10431.html#_ga=1.66898989.282247764.1489043959
Official English Website: Can’t find it ;A;


  1. Kairi said it right, Roxas and Namine were denied their right to exist but Xion had it even worse and both her themes reflects that unfairness. Screaming at the world "Notice me! I am here!" with her boss music.
    the melancholic feel of her main theme, that holds bits of kairi's, holds that depressive vibe of being stolen memory a stranger's loved one.

  2. I don't like how they brought back xion in 3 I wish Roxas would've gotten his own game and went on a journey or something to bring her back and once they were reunited her theme would've made it more emotional

  3. Kh3 spoilers:

    So glad Roxas, Axel, and Xion’s sacrifices/disappearances/deaths were all in vain and meaningless. Makes the previous games a lot less emotional for me. They all deserved better than what they got in the previous games, but KH taught me that you don’t always get what you want in the end.

  4. You know this game is about kidnapping children and programming them correct? Yes but I love it and the irony is that I learned this later because DISNEY IS ONE OF THE PLACES WHERE KIDS GO MISSING THE MOST! Pedophile capitol and the Catholics and Boy Scouts etc! Evil… the heartless ones. 🗝🎼🖤

  5. All these years later, and the Sea Salt Trio (love that term) somehow manages to relate to my own life. Similar to Axel and Roxas, I and my own friend have stuck together for a very long time. Eventually, our other friend, like Xion, came along, and struggled to see her own worth with us. I truly appreciate and cherish every sunset we share together.

    I dread the days when we fight, as I am scared to lose them like Roxas lost his friends. His life. I only want them to know that I love them and wish for them to be forever cared for. Xion's melancholy theme reminds me all the time that the love Roxas felt for his friends never faded, as mine never will for my own.

    If you guys see this, you know who you are. Thank you for making me feel like I have a heart.

  6. I'm glad Kingdom Hearts could keep going. As a guy playing this from the beginning on the PS2 to waiting for Kingdom Hearts 4 now that it warms my heart in a special way. 🙂

    Thank you to everyone involved, makers and players alike.

  7. 3:45 This part, really makes me so sad. I can imagine Xion screaming and crying, getting mad about her existence and how she is not her own being, and the she is just being used by the organization, all the grief and hardships, and the devastating truth. And most of all, losing his friends. I just cry every time Xion is on the screen. But after getting the ending she deserved in KH3… I can say I'm proud of her for being strong all those times before. Even if she is gonna disappear, she chose what works best for everybody. Just like what Riku had said.

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