


  1. im crying 🙁 i hope yeonjun knows he always makes moas proud and inpires us to work towards our dreams too (I also hope he knows he should always eat as much as he wants) <3

  2. The way he's little bit hard for just breathing but said "MOA don't worry too much" instead got my heart shatterred into pieces. Yeonjun thank you for being born as such a passionate and humble idol. Loving you is the best choice i've made in my life. I love you yeonjun, you did really well babe❤❤❤❤

  3. Yeonjun is such an inspirational person and many people will look up to him. He is definitely one of the most hard working idols of 4th gen. He also shows us so much love and affection and I feel saying things online, in concert, fansign, or video call fansign,etc. isn’t enough for all the comforting words he gives us. I just wish I could pay it all back to him and many other idols, they all deserve it especially Yeonjun. Let’s keep showing appreciation and respect for Yeonjun and TOMORROW X TOGETHER for years to come.

  4. たくさんたくさん努力して、研究して、強い気持ちを持ち続けて、実現させたヨンジュンさんは、すばらしい👏

  5. Siempre he sentido gran admiración por ti, cada vez que te veía bailar mi corazón se aceleraba y sentía como corrían electricidad en mi piel, realmente estaba feliz y orgullosa de verte hacer lo que tanto te gusta. Nunca descarté la idea de cuánto trabajo duro y tiempo pudo tomarte prepararte para ello, también pude notar que muchas veces nisiquiera estamos al tanto de lo que vives en el proceso, tuviste decaídas emocionales, insomnio, dolores físicos, mucha presión ..aún así no te rendiste, diste lo mejor de ti y lo conseguiste💖
    te amo, quiero que seas un chico sano y feliz, no te olvides de ti, eres verdaderamente genial, el escenario fue creado para ti, pero eres importante para moa, tu salud es importante, tus sueños y metas también son nuestros, deseamos que llegues lejos y brilles, el mundo necesita verte, pero yo también te necesito y mientras tú estes emocional, física y mentalmente bien, yo también lo estaré.
    Te amo para siempre Choi Yeonjun ♥️♥️ siempre seré tu fan🥰

  6. Estoy muy orgullosa de ti. Todo ese esfuerzo, dedicación y tiempo es reconocido por muchas personas y sobre todo por MOA, quién te ama infinitamente y valora todo esto.
    Te amo mucho y siempre te estaré apoyando junto con los demás miembros. 💚

  7. Of course you did great yeonjun, I'm so proud of you and how far you've come, even though you were told not everyone can become a singer you still wrote it down and now you're actually living your dream, I've always loved you and TXT but this video hits different it made me realise how much effort you and the others put in, I've always been told that hard work works amd you Yeonjun are a living example, honestly I've been feeling frustrated and stressed out due to school work and i recently had thr thought of giving up on my dream of being a surgeon and drop out of med school after working so hard to get in 🥺 but seeing this, seeing you live up to your dream I've decided to stick with mine and work more no matter what, so Yeonjun to me you are already the ONE AND ONLY 😇 thank you for all you do YEONJUN ❤

  8. This is what I mean when I say I want to be like Yeonjun. He sums up a lot of my thoughts really well and he’s so mature and hardworking, which is not easy at all. It’s so hard to put into words how much I love him.

  9. 길티 커버무대는 팬인 내가 봐도 진짜 놀라웠어ㅠㅠㅠ춤 표정 보컬 표현력이나 해석이 완벽했고 헤메코랑 복근마저 최고였는데..다큐를 보니까 저정도로 신경쓰고 노력을 해야 그런 흠잡을데 없는 결과물이 나오는구나..진짜 큰 충격받음ㅠㅠ연준이가 지금까지 해온 퀄리티가 늘 그정도 노력속에 나온거였구나ㅠㅠ 너무 감동

  10. you'll always be my forever inspiration my love jjunie. thank you so much for all your hardwork, you did amazing jun. i promise to work hard like you and make you proud. <3

  11. Its totally fair to say that TXT is one of the most inspirational idol groups I've seen!! Many idols work this hard for their solo and group projects but Yeonjun and TXT have their own individuality. His passion towards dance and music is just amazing! His will and determination to become a greater artist every day inspires me a lot. This documentary will always be my favourite!! Their job is really not easy!! I feel like I have a new-found love for YEONJUN ❤You are one of the most talented idols I've seen!! I will support and love you always and forever!

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