1. Bro b4 I even was a fan of kep1er when I saw the episode I was so burnt I felt like helping yujin to slap her 🤟🏻 tho it’s actually very disrespectful 😒

  2. It's been a year and I am Impressed how people still don't get that Fu Yaning is the victim here.
    It's amazing how they still manipulated everything, but now inside the laws. Can't add or remove votes anymore? Just make text msg votes count 100x more and international votes 10%.

  3. You ALL owe Yaning an apology. She just confirmed Mnet MENTORS told her to say that. She fucking cried after that happened. She saw the edits and said it’s all very different from what happened.

  4. You ALL owe Yaning an apology. She just confirmed Mnet MENTORS told her to say that. She fucking cried after that happened. She saw the edits and said it’s all very different from what happened.

  5. You ALL owe Yaning an apology. She just confirmed Mnet MENTORS told her to say that. She fucking cried after that happened. She saw the edits and said it’s all very different from what happened.

  6. You ALL owe Yaning an apology. She just confirmed Mnet MENTORS told her to say that. She fucking cried after that happened. She saw the edits and said it’s all very different from what happened.

  7. You ALL owe Yaning an apology. She just confirmed Mnet MENTORS told her to say that. She fucking cried after that happened. She saw the edits and said it’s all very different from what happened.

  8. I find it funny how everyone blames editing for the boys version yet when it comes to the girls they’re not given the same grace 🤦🏽‍♂️

  9. Was this meant to be a joke? Rude and uncalled for. If the show thought they were bringing some drama with this, they failed in my eyes. It just straight pissed me off. Better than the original? Are you fkn kidding me? What a joke.

  10. 歌がどんなに上手でも、楽器演奏がどんなに上手でも、ビートルズを超えることができる人はこの世に存在しない。 これが音楽の不思議だ。 日本のジャズ界で、ただのテクニック野郎を何十人も見てきた。 誰一人世界のトップになっていない。 ここで偉そうに言った女性はオーディションで落ちたよね。 ただのテクニック野郎と同類だ。 プロとしてのキャリアがあるユジン氏はアマチュアとはレベルが違う。 それはKeplerで証明されている。

  11. It's so sad how she was literally told to do this and so basically she had no choice. Now everyone thinks she's a bitch . Tbh when i saw this my first thought was "is this scripted or something, like aint no way someone could actually be this rude" and i was right. I feel bad for Fu Yaning and her team.

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