1. rofll i love how hero on the side he makes a scrunchy face while trying to eat the candy. his face totally says "this candy is sticky and chewy and i cant eat it!" *scrunches face* even tho it was for a split second XD so cute.

  2. Ahhhh, a great video for us Yunho lovers! And it's to the "B" track on his Japanese solo single with Crazy Life. I think this should have been the song that he released for his solo single, but oh well. Great clips of MY MAN!

  3. sorry, but yunho is not person like that, if you dont know all of really story, dont say something which can hurt him, please

  4. yes the words changmin and yunho said broke my heart but im still supporting the five of them. something big must've happened to get between that friendship. jaejoong said "time will heal everything"yunho said "we will be together as 5 one day" junsu said "we are still waiting for the day we can stand together on the stage again" probably none of this moved you, but i just feel like i should try to group the cassiopeia family together again and stop feeling like i've failed them as a cassie.

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