1. I'm learning that 'camping' really has a different meaning in different countries! A fenced in plot with gravel is not what I would picture for a campsite, but it looks like it's a really popular hobby in South Korea

  2. These videos have made me a firm fan of Key, he's just too funny! And he's also inspired me to do more cooking recently when I normally just eat the same foods over and over!

  3. I am doing my first car camping with my niece this summer and I am excited. Good to see him doing that too, sucks that it snowed though. It is funny how he was extra with it and brought a whole bunch of stuff but I wouldn't expect less from Key lol.

  4. I'm backing Key up with the creams. Your skin gets chapped/dry and you need sunscreen. I would do the same thing. Plus many people sit around and do nothing😂 I'll put on my cosmetics so my skin doesn't act up. Plus bringing "just in case" items is important. I always bring insect repellent and i lost times people asked if they can have some or chapstick, lotion. I also think going camping for his dogs is a great idea! He's so considerate of his furbabies.

  5. These celebs spend more time packing, unpacking then packing again for their camping trips… and they all always go for just 1 night …. Takes alotta work to relax lol

  6. 日本でも春分の本日珍しく雪が降りました☃️折角のお出かけしかもキャンプ🎄⛺🚙って日にまさかのだったのね。楽しみにしてたキャンプ編やっとみれた🎵と思いきや😮きっと上手く行ったと信じて次回を楽しみにしてます❤(*´ー`*)

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