While Kwon Min-ah is in a serious health condition, netizens continue to criticize Seolhyun who was mentioned by Mina in her recent post.

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  1. What do you think about Knet's mixed opinions? In your opinion, should Seolhyun receive criticism after every time Mina exposed her name?

  2. People who are saying that they should stop attacking the members actually have brains for a change. Fans will never learn huh, how can you say that it is justifiable to bully the other members? You do not solve a problem by creating another one, it's just really stupid for fans to focus their energy on hating on the members instead of caring for the victim.

  3. Maybe she did apologise off camera, as would a person will if they are truly feeling apologetic. What kind of apology would it be if it's not in person and is instead posted on the net as some sort of show. I'm not trying to defend Seolhyun and I believe that being a bystander to bullying, especially in a small group like this, is wrong, but this hate thing is sickening and making people weary. It won't make Mina better nor cure Jimin of her cruelness. The thing about Seolhyun, I'm not sure what to say cos so far we've only heard a bit about her from Mina, but many of us has been bystanders before, so perhaps what is more important would be to call for a anti-bullying campaign in the workforce where we continuously educate people what to do when we witness bullying going on or how to identify bullying(cos nowadays it's never as straightforward as extortion of lunch money anymore)

  4. just leave kpop industry already.. without her f4ce n b0dy.. she won't became the most populr member.. she is not talented compared to mina.. plus is a bystander/jimin's ally.. yet people still want to defend her.. people give hate comments because people want them to realize that they DID SOMETHING HORRIBLE AND SHOULD APOLOGIZE.. mina's health comes first of course.. don't always ask them to apologize btw.. they can never apologize sincerely.. if they are sincere.. without US asking.. they will go to Mina theirself and seek forgiveness..

  5. Bullying is a horrible thing to go through. I pray Mina finds peace. Those who bullied her will have to live with it forever. Karma is a powerful thing. 💜🙏

  6. so what? they know mina is in fragile condition they want jimin n seolhyun in same state? these people are not even human when they just want to punish people as if they know everything.. if we at least know ourselves, we will never mention our mistakes while talking about others mistakes.. its only fair when both sides stories come to the light.. but to make the others become depress too shouldn't be in an option in any condition

  7. Are people trying to push seolhyun to do the same??you people saying bullying is this and that , but you yourself are doing it by bashing seolhyun

  8. Well i dissapointed to Seolhyun..i mean, i know she's scared, we all know Jimin is like "Queen" in their agency, i know u don't want ur carrer down, but..MANY AGENCY want to get contract with u..but Mina's lives is only ONE🥺😔

  9. This cancel culture has to stop. Someone has to tell Mina that destroying Jimin or Seolhyun as a form of justice will not make her feel any better. The fact that after seeing Jimin quit the industry she then goes after another person is pretty alarming. She needs professional help and posting in SNS is not the answer.

  10. Netizens criticizing Seolhyun should mind their own behavior before criticizing others. Netizens are quick to criticize/bully idols/celebrities who don’t do what they want (like if they date or appear to ignore someone, etc). In a classroom, how many kids would actually “step in” when another kid is being bullied? Even teachers refuse to stop/ignore the bullying. There are a variety of reasons why people don’t do anything when another person is getting bullied. It’s so easy to criticize when you are a 3rd party observing from the “outside” behind your computer/phone screen.

  11. Mina is using social media to destroy other angels. Posting suicidal attempts to beg for sympathy. And make the believer do the hating and destroying . That's how desperate she is now just to take revenge for what happened long , long , long time ago.
    Revenge will not bring peace to you but only forgiveness .

  12. We can definitly all agree that what Jimin did was awful and she deserves her career ending. but seolhyun? i wouldnt be that fast to condemn her. She didnt bully Mina and yes she didnt helped Mina either but maybe she couldnt. Idol life is stressfull for body and mind to such an extreme that none of us can really know how it feels like to be her. Sure she should have helped Mina but maybe she was too afraid to choose her side and yes that sucks but it is definitly not on the same level as the bullying from Jimin and shouldnt be treated the same. And i say that as someone who was bullied a lot in school but i know why people didnt stand up for me and only really condemn the people actually bullying me.

  13. I’m sorry for Mina and hope the best for her.

    but what’s wrong with these people bullying seolhyun?
    like, She might be bystander but isn’t attacking her just makes you guys same as her?
    what’s the point of bullying seolhyun? isn’t it better to take more proper actions like making petitions or something?

  14. if this was a classroom, what people would want is not just to kicked out the bully but all classmates who are just bystanders and even kick the teacher too. they are all the same class right? why did they do nothing 😂😂😂

  15. To put it simple. "Pretty face isnt everything"
    Theres bunch of south korean people (i believe) who'r doing surgery as only if they have the money to did it soo… Heol.

  16. I doubt mina's the one being bullied.. I bet she's the one who bullied the girls but play victim.. how come all other people not siding with her if she's really in the right? Kinda of remind me of T-ara's scandal when one member played victim while she's the one who'a actually a bully

  17. Here's my opinion on this matter. I don't think everyone will like what I'll say.
    First of all, I would like to start by stating that I have NEVER been a fan of them. I only knew some of there songs through variety shows and that's it.
    I would like to first talk about Seolhyun, we still have no clear evidence of any sort of act against mina. Mina stated that Seolhyun was of great support to jimin, however, we never know the other side of the story. The same way none of us would have expected this act to happen to mina, you never know what jimin might potentially be holding on Seolhyun. I think it's very wrong to direct hatred towards her when the only thing we have is a mere assumption. Also, I think we should stop this hate cycle. We could continue support good people and ignore others. We don't need to indirectly promote self harm or depression by comments.
    I would also like to talk about what happened to Mina. I don't have the right to judge what she did. I think she posted the picture online to sort of force the company to compensate her parents well since media would bash them then, but was it really worth it? She mentioned haunting down all the people who mistreated her, however, what if these people had no feelings at all and wouldn't be haunted? Wouldn't that be a waste? She has so much support and love now. Her parents need her, and she needs them. I hope she can get out of this quickly and recover well. This case might well affect all other groups since most of the bullies might force out emotions just to avoid this scenario.

  18. Dragging a person down wont make another happy. I bet Mina doesnt want us to hate on other people eother since she knows how it feels, the truth shall set them free and right now we know the truth. Let’s just support Mina in this hard times of hers how we all would want to be supported if we were in our difficult times. Im not saying that i support what the other AOA members did to Mina, i am just saying that bad talking someone who did something bad wont make you a good person either.

  19. I hope Mina is okay, but she should stay off of social media. It's not good for her or anyone else. No one should be going out of their way to hate on the other girls, just because they did something wrong, doesn't mean we should make them miserable, because it's ultimately between the girls and the company. Yes, Mina made it all public, but we shouldn't treat it like it has anything to do with us.

  20. Why would people bully a person for being a bystander, not everyone is as courageous as deku or as brave as park sae-ro yi heck if that was us we probably would've quit AOA on the first day, thats why don't hate on the bystanders because it's not like their world revolves around one person and tbh jimin is probably scary af whenever she bullies mina how do you think she got all that mental damage also on the side note don't post death threats and stuff at jimin she desreves some hate sure, but at a certein degree that is. Fighting fire with fire won't solve anything it's actually quite retarded and everyone is not perfect jimin only did that because she was insecure of being the least popular member so she solved that equation with the wrong solution thus getting the wrong anwers I hope that this won't happen in other groups and that we should always be mindful on how we approach things in life. Thank you for reading this long ass comment and have a nice day.

  21. If Mina is in the hospital for self harm, her mental state is also questionable. Peeps need to chill on demanding anything from any of them. Be a fan not a nut job fanatic.

  22. Mina exposed them for a reason. It was out of her hands and the people around her did nothing to make her feel right or make the bullies shut down. Forgetting the bullies would obviously give them more courage as well as space to continue with their activities. The bullies still act like nothing wrong has been done by them. They made someone's life literal hell for 11 good years. They at least must know that the taste of their own medicine is bitter.

  23. Just because Seolhyun is choosing to stay quiet doesn't mean she sides with Jimin. You all have zero clue as to what went on behind the scenes and instead of Mina calling out those who didn't stand up for her she should have stood up for herself. Seolhyun was a bystander, she didn't bully Mina herself as far as anyone knows and if you want to bully the bystanders then bully and send hate to the rest of the members who also didn't stand up for Mina to Jimin. Jimin is a bitch, not the queen or hulk.

  24. I am sorry to you all but you can be friend with your bully and disagree with their acts.

    I was bullied during 3 years by a girl that called me best friend.
    She bullied all my other friends, but me not as much because I was "the popular beautiful nice girl of the school".
    She bullied me at the beginning, because she saw everybody liked me, and every guys wanted to date me. She was jealous as fuck but instead, she decided to be friend with me. Although I know how she treat and bully other people, and that I wanted to keep my distance, it was impossible because she would always try to find me.

    Seeing how bad she treated my other friends, I decided to be BFF with her, so she couldn't harm the others.
    She didn't dare to hurt me as much because I was popular.

    Despite all the bullies she did to others, I didn't say anything. I knew if I say anything, I would become the one and only victim of her.

    The final straw that broke our friendship was the day she pushed a junior girl in the stairs. She jumped out of joy for this horrible action.
    I didn't say anything, I didn't report it but from that day, I took my distance from her because she went too far.

    Eventually, as I knew, I became her main and only victim.
    She was jealous of me af to begin with, but now, since I don't take her side anymore, she would beat me, and slap me at school in front of everyone else.

    I held it like this, within me, until the end of middle school, where we all got separated because we choose different high schools.

    My point is YES you can be best friend with the bully, YES you can be a bystander because you are afraid it would get worse and are afraid for yourself
    and is what makes me as bad as my bully? NO, I never participated in her bully, and I never agree with those acts.

    I tried to protect others as much as I could, I tried to protect myself at the same time, and it was the MOST I can do.
    Now, I am not a K-pop star, so imagine Seolhyun, a popular Kpop star that has to constantly be careful of what she does, and whatever she does, she would always receive criticism.

    She already has her own career and problem to take care of, do you guys think she really has the power?
    I was the popular girl of the school, yet was I able to face the bully for hurting others and protect myself at the same time? NO

    It's not easy to speak out. And I knew, even as a best friend, I would NOT have been able to change that of her, because she is just toxic.
    And when you know there is nothing you can do, you just try your best to not get involved as much as you can, because you have your agency, your parents, your fans that count on you to work hard.

    So I totally understand Seolhyun, as someone who lived exactly the same situation.
    She is innocent and doesn't deserve all these hates, cause she did her best, by working hard, to save the group.
    She is not responsible for what the leader did, just because she is the best friend or the popular girl.

  25. Putting hate comments to her is also a way of "bullying": so at the end you do almost the same thing Jimin did to Mina. Please be careful with what you write…on the other side of the screen there is a human being. Remember other artists that arent here with us because of hate comments!Recently, a famous japanese actor committed suicide because he received hate comments, he was still young. As somebody commented around here, write messages of support to Mina instead of writing hate. You dont like them? Unfollow their accounts, or stop your support to them.

  26. Mina defintely needs our support. If Woori Actors (Mina's agency) didn't call the police, she almost certainly would have died. So stop doubting Mina's truthfulness and give her the support she needs in her recovery. As for Seolhyun, I won't be giving my opinions since I don't know her side of the story. All I can say is that being best friend to someone who is a bully inevitably attracts negative attention no matter how good or bad he/she is as a person. There was an old saying that goes "Bad company corrupts good morals".

  27. Mina is annoying and needs to stfu. Others are silent because you don’t bark back at a mad dog. How long can Mina keep her popularity with her lies and threats? Mina supporters are lame retarded sheepish cowards.

  28. Mina is annoying and needs to stfu. Others are silent because you don’t bark back at a mad dog. How long can Mina keep her popularity with her lies and threats? Mina supporters are lame retarded sheepish cowards.

  29. I don't understand why anybody would believe this Mina. Really, why ? She just posted messages on SNS, without any proof. Plus she posted those messages with a clear goal of destroying other people, her own bandmates. Does that make her statements believable? No.
    The only clear thing to me, based on the facts that we, the audience, know (ie her instagram posts), is that Mina is a self-centered and hateful person. Seolhyun does the right by not replying to those grotesque accusations. I hope she never ever replies to this trash. With time, only young Kpop fans will remember this, but people who like movies or dramas wo'nt care at all, which is good.

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