Hello everyone !

So here something different.

Here is a Music Video about the game #Okami by Capcom and with the ending song which is Reset by Ayaka Hirahara.

Some days ago it was its US release 14th anniversary (19/06/2006) so I wanted to make a little something for this game that I really like for its story, characters and songs which are beautiful.

I played it first on PS2 and once more recently on my Nintendo Switch which was a real good experience on a portable console and the touch screen to use the brush.

Anyway I hope you’ll enjoy this video and especially the song !

And play the game if you haven’t yet !
It’s available on a lot of support now in HD (Switch, PS4, Steam) and a really great game in my opinion !



  1. 平原綾香さんの歌で一番好き。

  2. 大神をクリアしてエンディングで感動してる時にこの歌が流れて泣いた記憶がある

  3. 本編ラストが素晴らしすぎてボロ泣きして、さぁエンドロールの曲はどんなだろう?と思ってたらこれまた素晴らしいのが来て・・

  4. This is a really beautiful video, thank you!
    I love Okami, I've played it so many times over so many platforms, it's honestly one of the best games I've ever had the joy of experiencing! <3

  5. Yes I'm here, in 2022, just completed the story, listening to this cause someone told me HD doesn't have this song. And I'm mad cause it sounds so good! I would have loved to hear this at the end of the game.

  6. ゲームの大手にすべて参加するあなたを次々と社長にするのはあなたがゲームで与えたい心が最も美しく世界に必要なマインドだからではと どう思うのゆーりあ

  7. The one thing I’ll say about this game is that it took focus to actually make it through. If you can’t follow the story (and by follow, I mean piece together the information and very slight clues that are given) then making it to the end will be more of a task than some of the story battles alone are. This is speaking after having played the game more than 10+ years ago. I recall it being engaging for me bc of personal interest, but still not the easiest game ever. It took effort and attention, no slacking. That is to say, this game does not, will not play itself. There’s no real punishment for doing wrong per se, but more so a lot of running around in vast flatlands with no shortcut back to the road if you can’t fully keep up with events and the next objective. It’s well worth being as astute player with this game because the abilities and weapons you get are sweet. This game was also the first to utilize brush stroke mechanics.

  8. 最初から最後までストーリーから世界観、音楽に至るまで素晴らしいゲームやった

  9. 何度でもプレイできて、その都度エンディングを見ながらストーリーや自分のプレイを振り返っては曲に浸る。

  10. 何年ぶりだろう、この曲を聴くのは。

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