Back in January 2016 in Zama City, Alberta. on a very cold day, alone in the middle of nowhere, hanging in my truck. I saw this guy or this girl landing on my mirror and trying to communicate with me. Some people think, he was only hungry, others believe, she was in love with me, it could also be an alien or a robot. Who knows?
One sure thing I was very lucky to lived a little moment of Raven poetry.


“Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”
And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting”.

Edgar Allan Poe


  1. Im starting to believe there are no such things as cryptids in the woods when in reality its just animals like these who so happen to make weird noises at night…

  2. I get the feeling this is a vibe check. You're being scoped out by a very smart bird who wants to know what your deal is, bringing all that noise into their territory. If this wasn't the middle of nowhere, I might assume this is food-seeking behavior, but how would this individual know to do that?

    I think they determined you weren't a threat to them and went to do something else 😊

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