Join us on a journey through the depths of space and time as we delve into one of the biggest questions in cosmology: When did the Big Bang happen? 🌌

The Big Bang theory posits that the universe began as an incredibly hot, dense point roughly 13.8 billion years ago. But how do we know this? What evidence supports this mind-boggling idea?

In this video, we’ll explore the fascinating history of the Big Bang theory, from its early conception to the groundbreaking discoveries that have confirmed its validity. From the cosmic microwave background radiation to the observations of distant galaxies racing away from us in all directions, we’ll unravel the clues that have led scientists to pinpoint the moment of cosmic creation.

Prepare to expand your understanding of the cosmos and journey back to the very beginning of time itself. Don’t miss out—hit that subscribe button and join us on our quest to uncover the mysteries of the universe! 🚀

#BigBang #Cosmology #UniverseOrigin #SpaceExploration #Science #Astrophysics

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