[비 오리지널] 엔하이픈 선우 ‘Given-Taken’ | 언필터드 캠

스튜디오 춤 캠이 담은 아티스트의 춤선!
현장감 넘치는 멤버 별 포커스 캠, #UNFILTERED

[#BEORIGINAL] ENHYPEN(엔하이픈) ‘Given-Taken’


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  1. Sunoo .You have this gorgeous, solid tone that remains consistent no matter what you sing. I know that every Engene, and even those who aren’t and are just hearing your voice can agree that your voice is very contemporary and romantic. You surprise us because you excel in every genre that Enhypen makes music in. As if this wasn’t enough, your voice always sounds exactly like the recording when you sing live, and often even better. As sensationally enveloping of a singer that you are, you are just as entertaining as a dancer. When you dance, you give your all and it really shows every time you hit the stage. You don’t have to try hard to completely grab and keep eyes on you while you do what you do best. Even when you are not in the center, your charisma does not fade and you do not sacrifice it for any reason. Despite any suggestions or being met with dancing styles that you haven’t tried yet, you still retain your own individuality. As a dancer, I believe any Engene or viewer can agree that your most magnificent feat is your facial expressions. Nobody can say a thousand words through dance like you can in this way. Overall, when you think about it, it’s no surprise that Enhypen has garnered the following it has so quickly; especially with somebody as talented as you in the group. You are simply one of the most attractive and appealing stage presences I have ever seen; and definitely in the fourth generation. You are just a conceptual genius. I thank you for pursuing music and the art of dancing and singing; as well as helping others through these mediums. As much as I love your musicality, I love your personality as well. One of the first qualities of yours that I love is how bubbly you are. You hold enough happiness for yourself and everybody who you meet. You are so humorous, but in the best way because it is often unintentional. I love that you have so much self-love, and try to find ways to increase it every day. You are unmistakably ambitious; always chasing after the next goal. Most importantly, you are the absolute best company and the most trustworthy person somebody could ever have in their life. The respect you’ve always had for your members has deeper roots than we could ever now. You’ve been through life’s ups and downs with them, and even in tight spots you pulled them and yourself through. Anybody can see how attentive you are when they speak or want to share with you because of how much you value what they have to say. Somehow, you are so compatible with each and every member and there is a different vibe when you are with any of them. I believe you are wiser than you give yourself credit for and this definitely helps your members. I want to thank you for keeping them safe, and giving them a place to go back to after a long day. You are all serious about your work as idols but it is you who allows your members to bring out their silly sides and just play when they feel up to it. You are a release for the members and the reason each day is spent at least in part with genuine delight. You once said that you believed one day, Enhypen would be even closer than family; and because I’ve never heard anybody say that before, it’s stuck with me until this day. Here’s to a future to the seven of you and your everlasting friendship. Thank you for showing them the worth in their lives. I want to personally thank your parents and family for raising you and bringing you into the world in the way that they have. I know that you meet different people every day and they come and go, but your family is consistently on your mind existing as your driving force. Whenever you start to feel lost, like you can’t keep moving, and that you’re all out of fight, I hope you turn to your family to lift you up again. There is nothing they can’t and won’t do for you. They love you, support you, understand you, and know you in a way that we never could. Even when you feel you’ve fallen down, I hope you know that they could only ever be proud of you. As your Engene, we keep them in our hearts as you do. Like they have instilled it in you to do, we strive to combat negativity by helping others, crediting our loved ones for the steps we take toward our accomplishments, and for never passing up our dreams for anybody or any reason. Sunoo, the best way I can describe the how Engene feel about you is to say that you are like a guardian angel always looking over our shoulder. Perhaps the first indication I noticed of how dear Engene is to you is how much you feel like you can be yourself around us. Much like with your members, you take the sea of Engene with different stories and provide us with one to share together. Being with you makes every day feel brand new because you are always growing into a better Sunoo than the day before. Although you are often occupied with your schedule, you still make all of this time for your Engene. You talk about how you never want to stay in one spot and that you want Engene to see what else you can do. In this way, we don’t even feel like your fans, but more like good friends. Even when you are on a break, you are thinking about us. I hope you realize that you are like a sanctuary for so many people everywhere. We are honored to be your fans and the ones that get to be present for all of the milestones in your musical venture. I can see how much you trust us, and want you to know that there is no way we could ever let that be taken for granted. I want to make an oath to be better fans, who show you more love and courtesy because that’s all you’ve ever done for us. We are going to always protect you the best way we know how and make sure that you don’t get hurt. Thank you for showing us all that we can get out of life, and for showing us we can do whatever we put our minds to. Thank you for being the person we can always turn to. Thank you for changing very Engene’s life, and I know our most chersished memories are waiting for us to claim. I know that you’ve been through a lot, both personally and professionally. As I’ve noted with your other members, I-Land is just a crack of the door that reveals just a bit of what you’ve gone through. There’s no way for us to always know what you’re feeling and we’re not supposed to, but it is saddening to think about what you’ve had to go through, potentially alone. I know there is a lot you’ve had on your plate and a lot you’ve had to figure out on your own. Especially given how sweet you are, it is unthinkable to accept that you must face these rough patches. We do know, on the other hand, that you are who you are because of this and we wouldn’t know the real Sunoo if you didn’t have burdens. On behalf of all of your loved ones, I have to say we are so proud of you for braving through all that has happened so far. I know that you recognize that your members and so many others are there to pick you up and console you when you need it, and this is one of the reasons I know you are so strong. However, it is the belief that you have in yourself that I know has really kept you going. All of these pep talks and positive reinforcements to yourself I can tell go a long way. You haven’t lived through much yet and are still in your youth; yet you display so much emotional intelligence. I hope you keep this mentality and mindset that you have now because there will be nothing you can’t overcome if you do. Let what wants to hold you back try, because with your loved ones there for you, I know you can get through whatever life throws at you. I hope that all of your dreams come true, and that you get to accomplish all that you desire today. If every you start to question the decisions you've made to get where you are now, your status as an idol, or the direction your choices will take you, I hope you look to your Engene to help open your eyes once more to the light that shines on you right now. You have completely revolutionized the way Engene’s think and treat others; and you are the reason optimism is prevalent in each of our days. I hope that those around you also help you to know how gracious, empathetic, heartfelt, genuine, and loyal of a person you are. I hope you make only the best memories that you can look back on eagerly to remember some of the best times you’ll have. I hope this is the best birthday you’ve had so far. I know you are busy and have to abide by a tight schedule, but I only hope that even for a second, you get to spend your time doing what you love. Do what makes you happy and what makes you feel alive! Thank you for sacrificing so much to make Enhypen and so many other projects possible. Thank you for suffering through any pain, fatigue, doubt, fear, stress, strain, exhaustion, injury, isolation, and hardships just to bring us a bit of content. Sunoo, you are a walking angel in this world. Your purity is too much for this world sometimes, and I often get nervous about what might be out there trying to take that away from you. I know that Engene recognizes that we have somebody so special and that you are not easy to come by. Even those who aren’t Engene know of your friendliness and can learn from you through the ways you choose to live your life. I want to thank you for motivating us to look after ourselves and for seeing in us what we would not otherwise see. Thank you for not letting anybody take away your fighting and healing spirit. With this, I hope you never feel pressure to change who you are because you are perfect just as you are. You are beautiful inside and out, and the world needs you just as you are. I cannot wait to see where your artistry takes you and for us to be a part of each other's lives. Let's hold on to each other and stay by each other's sides forever! We love you more than we can explain! I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe, and find happiness and worth in the future! Happy birthday Sunoo, and we adore you so much!!!

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