[MPD직캠] 트와이스 미나 – Dance The Night Away | @엠카운트다운_2018.7.19
[MPD FanCam] TWICE MINA – Dance The Night Away | @MCOUNTDOWN_2018.7.19

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  1. Mina. I will first address your musicality and your performance, because this is how I started my journey with you. I want to talk about your voice, and state that it is like honey when I hear it. It is light and airy, and it flows beautifully over every Twice track. Your falsetto is gorgeous as well. It is stunning how strongly you are able to sing your lines and you do so with much consideration of how they compliment the rest of the song. There is so much classiness and elegance to your voice, and it is a very enchanting sound when you get to hear it. You always pour so much emotion and self-expression into your songs as well. All the same, you are an awe-inspiring dancer. Similarly to your vocals, you add a classiness and a magic to your moves that makes the rest of your members stand out alongside. You really increase to the unity by representing the appeal of Twice in your movements and cooperating flawlessly with your members. You always execute each move fully and completely, but I love the looseness of your movements as well that make you appear overall more delicate. You have truly changed the face of music and the way it appeals to people in this world because of your individuality. There could never be another who does what you do and you bring so much newness to the power of music. We are so grateful to you for presenting yourself as a monumental musician and for supplying us with so much of who you are. At the same time that I love your musical side, I also love your personality as well. You are sincerely one of the most warm and healing people that I know. It can be hard to discern how someone really is when you don’t actually know them, but with you, you are naturally just a good person. I realized I began to long for that feeling because you make me feel like I can be a better person just by being around you. On top of this, you are just so humble and extremely considerate of others’ feelings. I know that your members are the people in the world who have seen these qualities in a different light. I know that all nine of you have different personalities and will continue to change as you get older, but because you have such a deep love and bond with them, this could never change the relationship that you have built. Your presence is very healing, and it is comforts those who are around you. You listen to whatever they bring to you and you are there whenever you need them to be. You are always there, and is that makes you a perfect friend, and an even better family member. You give your members the nurturing and care they need, and because of this, you have become their family. You mean the world to them and I can just tell they can’t imagine living their lives without you. You have helped them become the people that they are today. Every day we get to watch them become more sure of themselves and more vibrant. I know that they can look at the darkest of days with optimism and hope because they have you to remind them that happiness is waiting for them again. There is no better person for your members to have spent all of their time with. They’ve been with you for some of the greatest and darkest moments, as you have been for them. They could not believe in themselves without you Mina, and just by being yourself, you are somebody who they can believe in as well. No matter what happens, they know that they have somebody who will continue to be there for them and support them for the rest of their lives. You’ve trusted them enough to see the real you, and in turn, they will show you unconditional love. Your members, also your family, can always be the best versions of themselves and can accomplish anything they want because you help them to recognize that in themselves. You will forever be the reason they can live life to the fullest. I want to personally thank your family and parents for raising you into the inspirational young woman that you are today. I know that your family means the world to you, and that you’ve relied on them during some of your toughest times. I know that you will continue to realize how much your family means to you, and that you are beyond appreciative of what they’ve provided for you. I just want to state that they will always love you and support you more than anybody else in this world. If you ever feel alone, I know that you will remember that your family will always come to pick you up and make you feel like yourself again. They are prouder than words can say of you and who you’ve become. You make them proud with every step you take every days and you could never do otherwise. No matter the choices you make, they will be there behind you. Once keeps them in their hearts as you do every single day, and we are thankful to them for making the world a better place as you are. Mina, I know that I can speak on behalf of all the Once when I say that you have shown us a way of life that we likely never imagined we’d see. With everything that you’ve been through, there has been no better motivation for us to believe in ourselves and achieve our own dreams. You treat us no different than your family, and you don’t even know all of us personally. It is you who supports us, and we are going to be striving to give you back everything you’ve given us for our entire lives. For some Once, when they really feel like they have nothing and nobody, they have you. If you ever doubt your impact on us, just know that there are people who can only say they see potential in themselves because you helped them to see it. You make us feel like we are worth trying what we want and to never give up. It is obviously not easy to always share how you’re feeling, especially in the position you’re in because of your profession, but even when you were dealing with emotions that could have been confusing to you, you showed that whole side of you to us. I hope that this shows you that will never betray you or leave you. All we want is for you to express yourself the way you need to, for however long you need to, because we care about you as a person. I hope that we’ve helped to overcome what previously or might still cause you issues, because all we want is to be everything you need. There is nothing that I could say or do that could ever represent how thankful we are for the love you’ve shown us and the life you’ve shown us we can have. You change our lives everyday and we become better people because of it. I know you’ve been through a lot, both professionally and personally, and I want to be the one to just tell you directly how proud we are of you fo doing this. I don’t know if you can ever hear this enough, but you’ve shown strength that most people can only imagine of showing. You’ve grown from your restless struggles that have tried to hold you back, but you didn’t let them. You faced them head on and it takes courage beyond description to take time off to focus on you. Every person on this Earth can learn from how you’ve taken what once ailed you, and turned it into a reason to believe in yourself and others. You are one of the most inspirational people I know, and there will never be another whose journey has quite been like yours. You will always encourage others to confront what scares them, or what troubles them, and you show them it is okay to do it. We could not be more honored to be your fan and to say our role model is you, the bravest person we know. I hope that this birthday makes all of your dreams come true and that you can do all that you’ve wanted to accomplish! I hope that you take the time today, and every day to realize what you’ve been through, how you’ve grown, and what you teach the world. You deserve to be celebrated all the time because of how generous and thoughtful you are. I hope that this day is full of memories you won’t forget, and every second is spent exactly how you want to! I hope you are surrounded by those who can fill your heart will all the love in the world, and that this goes down to be one of the greatest days you can have! Your Once are celebrating how fine of a young woman you’ve become and continue to become every day! I also hope that all the blessings you deserve come to you on this special day! Thank you for sacrificing all that you have just to make Twice come to life. Thank you for suffering through all of the pain, emotions, fear, doubts, concerns, troubles, tears, and fatigue just to bring us any content at all. All of the efforts that you exert to make somebody happy in some way are acknowledged by us at every moment. Several Once are alive and okay because of you, and I hope you realize your worth in this world and to others. I hope you continue to put your health, happiness, and safety first, because that is all your Once ever want for you. We are so proud of you and can’t wait to see how you continue to grow in the future! Please don’t overwork yourself, because you are beautiful in our eyes and will always be! We will support you and love you forever as you do us, no matter what you choose in life. I pray that you and your loved ones stay safe, and find happiness and worth in your future. Happy birthday Mina, and we adore you so much.

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