About US
Eyeafrica TV is a 24-hour news and current affairs news channel, headquartered in Wellingara, The Gambia, West Africa.

The institution is the first global digital TV channel to be headquartered in The Gambia, with the desire of portraying the good image of Africa.

Established since 2012, eyeafrica has focused on often life-changing initiatives by governments and individuals that are transforming lives on the continent.

In The Gambia, the innovative media institution was the first private television channel that provide accurate and balance news on issues even under the former autocratic ruler, Yahya Jammeh.

During the political crisis that gripped the small nation following their December elections, the Eye Africa has been the leading media providing live feeds, videos and photos until a peaceful solution was found to the month long political deadlock.

Click to read more: www.eyeafrica.tv/about us/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eyeafricatv


  1. give the young lady a break, if the Senegalese authorities don't free the sister at once then gambians should call for the government to arrest that criminal cham for breach of contract to build the hotel.

  2. I think Ablie Cham duped the Gambian government of millions of dollars for the OIC hotel that he neither had plans to build nor the know how to build. Cham tried to hide the money through Aisha and Aisha in turn duped him. The truth will soon prevail. The Gambian people are the eventual losers here.

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