1. All these Stupid Shows just need to be removed. Nobody cares about these Non Nobodies. Waste of time and money. The outfits are Pathetic 😜 and Nobody knows there Name. Old Hasbeens!!!!!
    There are much more IMPORTANT things happening on the World.
    Racism Is Alive and Well!

  2. Som White women deeply dislike nonwhite women and would do anything to demean any nonwhite female who shines more. It is jealousy that becomes racism.

  3. Asian girl kept composture, black girl pointed finger, latin girl was about to b*at her up Lol She is so invasive, not respecting their space and they all looked surprised because they realised she was being agressive.

  4. Quite a few people had this happen…supposedly Cannes said it was because of a time issue…that they needed to get people through quickly….hmmm, Cannes should be canned.

  5. You got a bunch of people working on these looks there's a lot of money involved in walking the red carpet. Artists have the responsibility to show their outfits because they got contracts and they're doing their jobs. These lady should be sued byt the artist, by the designer and by the managers.

  6. she seems to do this to women in particular, not necessarily women of color, since a Ukrainian model was also treated poorly. If there is evidence of her doing this to male guests, I have not seen it. Regardless, I don't think it's appropriate to treat guests that way and it's very disheartening that the film festival allows it.

  7. The guard obiously doesnt know the camera men needs shoots good photos hey its not north korea so why this guard acts like in communist country😅😅😅

  8. Don't have a red carpet if you don't want celebrities posing for photos. Many people work to make this moment happen. If Cannes wants celebrities to attend, they should treat them better.

  9. Normal lots of racist out there so dont look at western foreigners visiting your country as Kings or Queens. Coz you wont be treated as one when your visiting theirs.

  10. She is rude and unprofessional, but we should see her with a Caucasian women to call her racist. Not every mistreatment is racist.

  11. You do realize this guard was likely specifically hired to be a bit more assertive with women. If any male security guard were to try they would be open to sexual harassment charges. It’s necessary to move the crowd along because a lot of celebrities are desperate for media attention on the red carpet, but at Cannes a lot is reserved for the cast of the film being screened or of gowns that were sponsored specifically for the event, and others aren’t allowed to take photographs. It has nothing to do with racism.

  12. Shake hot had to allege racial discrimination as click bait, are you aware of the Ukrainian woman also grabbed…? No boys l doubt others too, so no, not clear or any other racial discrimination

  13. I wouldn’t call this racial discrimination, it’s just annoying and unprofessional, maybe she’s taking her job too seriously, but these stars are there to be seen and have their pictures taken so it’s weird to be overprotective. Personally I think she’s just trying to hard to look like a guard 😆

  14. Huhh that's bullshit, that guard even told nancy tyagi to hurry up, and since when asian girls get to face racism, they get special treatments.

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