짜잔, 여러분을 위해서 오랜만에 커버 영상을 가지고 왔어요!
잔잔한 바다 풍경을 보시면서 여러분들도 힐링하세요~🌊💙

#눈이부시게by설현 #설현 #SeolHyun


  1. AOA시절부터 팬인 사람입니당
    원래 연애인에 대해 관심이 없고 지금도 없지만 예외적으로 설현님이었어요…
    바쁜 삶에 설현님 TV로 보는게 유일한 낙이었으나… 사건 터지고 이제 더이상 못보게 되었구요;
    너무 아쉽고 처음이자 마지막으로 관심을 준 연애인이라
    설현님 유튜브 채널 찾기전 항상 원래 재방했던 것 또보고 또보고 했는데
    이렇게 유튜브 채널 찾아서 기쁘네요 ㅠㅠ
    그리고 제 관심이 가장 작은 관심이 되었음좋겠어요
    항상 응원하겠습니다!

  2. 어쩌다 사장2보고 유튜브있는거 알고 첨 방문했네요 28일에 방영되는 살인자의 쇼핑목록 광수씨랑 같이 찍었다고해서 기대하고 있습니다~~

  3. 설현몸매얼굴이시대최고갑인데.유투브조회수가~많이시청해주셔요~넘예쁘고.고급진데~.설현고전적이고현대적이고.최고갑.~^^🥰

  4. please dont hurt yourself. i was suicidal too but your movies and music keep me alive. you just don't realize how precious ur are to your fans

  5. Oink Oink.. I open to look.. Is the Letter here.. inside I don't see any letters from YOU.. of course I never asked for you to ever write me back.. but maybe.. just in case.. maybe you be surprising me with a Letter.. I would wait for the Mail Man.. but for some reason on this Very night.. I do not see the truck coming.. as One hour goes by.. all I can see is the Moon.. I am looking UP at the Moon.. my hand waves at the Moon.. only the Moon knows my Heart.. I guess NO one understands how much I love YOU.. but does that MOON sees my Will.. I am so determined to let it Out.. to tell YOU how much I love YOU.. do you even see my Heart Yet.. only times when it is Hard.. I will go out side.. standing by the Mail Box.. waiting for the Mail man to come.. Of course I have the third Letter.. In my hand is the envelope.. with your address and Your Name written on the envelope.. looking to see if the Truck comes.. I am holding.. the Letter has been written last Night.. and I been waiting all through the day.. hoping that this Letter.. inside the envelope gets to YOU.. I was so happy.. when the Mail man told me.. He saw YOU.. when He was driving the Mail Truck.. on the way to your House.. he saw your mail box.. stopping by the mail box.. the Door opens and the Mail Man waves his hand saying Someone has written a Letter to YOU.. and He opens the mail box and puts the envelope inside the Mail box and he drives away.. Just thinking a glimpse of YOU.. I would only look at your Picture.. but I am so sad because I wish I can be the Mail man who drives that Truck.. only if I can get a glimpse of YOU.. just to even stop by the Mail box.. just to see you stand by your Door.. and to see you Smile.. even if I can wave my hands at you and give YOU that smile.. it means everything to me.. I would say.. here is another Letter.. I know that I would not get close to YOU.. but the Hope to dream of Love.. the Hope to even ask if I can put a Letter in your Mail box.. that Hope to say I love YOU even though YOU may be standing Far.. YOU do not know How much I love YOU.. even the distance between YOUR mail box.. sitting on the Truck.. to Put the Letter inside the envelope there is a HOPE to say I love YOU.. I kiss the envelope.. seal with my Heart of JOY and Love.. but to tell YOU what it means to write you a Letter.. because YOU KNOW it is the Hope of just loving you.. when YOU have a Hope.. it means I can dream of something Bigger.. something greater that can happen one day.. I am not asking for YOUR hand right Now.. but I can still have Hope and Dream to love YOU.. this Letter.. I would kiss the Letter after I wrote.. folding into halves and Placing into the envelope.. writing your name and Your Address.. when I look at the Truck.. the mail Man comes with a smile.. and I give him the envelope inside is the letter I wrote and I tell HIM.. you know who this is too.. Please take it to YOU.. and He smiles and knows.. But now.. I know that he tells me that YOU are receiving the envelope with the Letter I have wrote.. I would be sitting on the Desk.. sometimes I would write so fast.. I make mistakes and I have to use the eraser to erase the Letter I marked wrong.. but knowing that the mail man is delivering to the right Mail Box.. to YOU.. I know that I can put my mind at ease.. Last Night I had a drink of wine.. of course I am standing by my mail box.. I am holding the envelope in my Hand.. the Letter is inside and I am still waiting for the Truck.. Looking at the MOON.. I had a drink last Night.. I wanted to cry.. I had a drink last Night.. I started to miss YOU.. I wanted to see YOU.. but I know that I just can't right Now.. sometimes I am wondering.. How long does this wait must be.. am I going to be here by the mail Box.. I don't want to just stand here by my own mail box.. I would like to be the One to able to go to YOU.. to stand By your Mail Box.. with my hand.. I be holding the envelope.. with the Letter I wrote last night.. and I would love to turn.. look at your door and I walk.. I would like to see YOU open your front door.. and I am able to hand YOU the Envelope and to watch both eyes.. your hand holding the envelope that I give.. and when YOUR hand hold.. I want to tell YOU.. looking at your eyes.. I have loved YOU for a long time.. can you please accept my Heart.. Can YOU please accept my Love.. will you let me Love YOU now.. since I am standing here meeting YOU face to face.. and My hand holding your Hand.. I will touch the envelope and I would tell YOU.. I did Not want to come earlier because I don't want you to be bothered or disturbed.. I been waiting for YOU to Love me.. can I ask YOU if YOU love me.. because if YOU don't love me.. How can I keep on loving YOU.. I only want to accept if YOU are able to open your Heart so that I can love YOU and YOU can love me back too.. I want to be brave.. I want to be bold and have courage to Love YOU more.. but I can't unless YOU open your Heart for Me.. please tell me if I can Love YOU.. as I am looking at my Mail box.. I would lift up my Head to look at the MOON.. I am only talking to myself now huh.. But I know that This letter.. it needs to go to YOU.. it needs to get delivered to YOU so that I want you to open the envelop so that YOU can read.. My Heart knows how much I want to be with YOU.. How much I love YOU.. I am standing here.. by my mail Box.. waiting for the truck.. WHY is the Mail Man Not coming.. I have this envelope.. I have your Letter inside.. I have written it last night.. I got little drunk.. so I am not sure if YOU are able to read it properly.. But I felt like I had to share even when I be so sad.. I would be crying.. siting on the bed.. I be crying because I be missing YOU.. looking at your Picture.. is this ALL I can do.. My eyes be hurting because that is all I can do.. My Hand hits my chest.. I want More.. I want to love More.. but LOOK.. all I can do is look at your Picture.. it kills me inside.. grabbing a Bottle of Wine.. I pour into the shot Glass.. sitting.. I would move to the desk.. I would be looking at the Picture.. open my mouth holding the shot glass and I slam it even though it was a wine.. I couldn't control my own emotions when I would look at you through the Picture.. WHY are you so Beautiful.. WHY do you have to smile like that.. tell me why can't I hold YOU in my arms.. tell me why do I keep on missing YOU.. please.. why can't you ever answer me.. and I would cry.. letting all my tears out of my eyes.. after few pouring into the Shot Glass.. and I would be slamming it into my mouth.. I would sit in silent.. wiping my tears with napkin.. and trying to focus.. I would grab the clean piece of paper.. holding up the pencil and putting the eraser next to the Paper.. I would start to write on the paper.. telling YOU.. I keep on missing YOU.. tell my Heart to stop Missing YOU because my Heart is killing me whenever I start missing YOU.. and I would pick up your Picture.. looking at YOU.. closing my eyes and I would open to look at you through this Picture.. I would put the picture down.. picking up the pencil and I start to look at the paper and write again.. I want to be with YOU.. I want to be the One to love YOU.. why can't I even do that.. WHY don't you tell me that I can Love YOU.. Please answer me.. but it seems like YOU never answer me.. But you know that I just can't stop telling YOU why I needs to keep on telling YOU that I love YOU.. Not sure if that make any sense but.. YOU know that I have never stopped loving YOU till now.. for a long time.. I would find a time and a place.. giving me the space so that I can put the work in time in that space to tell YOU.. I want to be with YOU forever.. can we be together forever.. Please tell me.. I would turn to look at the Bottle of the wine.. I see the Bottle empty.. I did not see that I drank the whole Bottle of Wine.. it should of been filled in a cup.. but I drank it like it was a SOJU instead.. I need to hear from YOU.. I want to hear from YOU.. Please tell me that YOU are able to hear from me.. Tell me that YOU Know my Heart.. and I would stop writing on the clean pieces of paper.. I would open the drawer and I would see an envelope.. and folding the Paper into a half and placed the Letter inside the envelope and I would let it sit on the top of the desk.. all through the Night.. through the day.. and I would grab the envelope and walk out to the Mail Box.. standing out side.. I am thinking about the Last Night.. about drinking the Bottle of the wine.. sitting on the top of the Bed.. even thinking about the shedding of my tears because I would miss YOU.. looking at your picture.. I am holding your Picture on the Other Hand.. as I am waiting for the Mail Man.. the Truck to Stop by my mail Box.. I would look straight.. I see two Lights.. and I am sure it is the Truck.. I do know that Truck and the Truck stops by my Mail Box.. the Mail Man looks at me.. and He smiles.. and He looks at my Hand.. and knows.. I tell the Mail Man.. last Night I have written another Letter.. it is inside the Envelope you can see.. the Mail man looks at me and He smiles.. asking me to give the envelope to HIM because he knows what to do next.. as I would watch the Mail man holding the envelope.. and He smiles.. giving me some Envelopes of paying bills.. I watch the Truck.. the Mail man take off.. as I turn to look.. I look UP to the sky.. looking at the MOON.. I guess I was Not late at ALL.. what If I did Not wait.. what if I left earlier.. I am sure the Mail man would not taken this Envelope.. the Letter I wrote to YOU.. I am watching that Truck.. and it is leaving me and Yes.. Heading to Your Mail Box.. I believe that I can Love YOU more.. as Long as that Mail Man keeps on coming this direction.. and I am able to write YOU more Letters

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