Wonderwall x LOONA behind

#이달의소녀 #loona #heejin #hyunjin #haseul #yeojin #vivi #kimlip #jinsoul #choerry #yves #chuu #gowon #oliviahye #everydaywiz


  1. hyeju is one of the most well-rounded members in loona, not to mention one of the best performers in terms of stage presence, facial expressions and dance. she's stood out to me from day 1. she deserved to debut because of her hard work, kindness, and natural talent. unconditionally. 6kg less or not.

  2. 15 POUNDS IN A WEEK? 2lbs in a week is already incredibley rapid and unhealthy. 15 pounds is not just "Unreasonable" Its actually impossible without the use of muiltiple diaretics. Basically asking somebody to withstand torture for a week. thats horrible.

  3. 6kg in a week is impossible.
    The maximum possible weight to lose in a week is 2-3kg with tight diet and intense exercise.
    Even starving for a week won’t do because she still needs energy to make her body organs work.
    I mean, if BBC really want her, they can ask her to lose weight a month before not freaking a week before.

  4. these diets are more about control than about actually losing the weight, asians are already pretty small so these weight requirements at 15-16 years old are just a way to break u down psychologically

  5. I can tell she was already skinny before losing 13 pounds by looking at this. It might be easy to lose 13 pound when you are like 180 ~ 200, but she barely look like 120~30

  6. Hyeju😭😭 i'm so sorry the girls had to go through it but now lossemble, artms, yves and chuu have better companies and i'm really happy for them !

  7. Y’all can say the company is evil all yall want. What about the fact a lot of females are willing do go through and do a lot just to be an idol. And don’t sit here and try to say “slave contract, they control everything an idol does, they have no free time,” they gave her and opinion if she wanted to debut and she took it. Showing how far she willing to go to debut.

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